Rainy Days| Taehyun [TXT]

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I slung my bag on my shoulder and started walking towards the lift. I pressed the button and looked at which floor it is. Still few floors. I looked at my watch to see that I'm on time today. I mean I left the office on time. No extra work, no more files.

The door opened and I looked in front. I saw my co-worker with 3 files in her hand. "Extra working hours?" I asked her smiling. "Yeah. Hectic week" She answered to me. "I'll see you tomorrow then. Don't work too much" I told her.

I got into the lift and pressed the ground floor. "Go safely" She bowed and turned around. The door closed and I waited till I was on the ground. Once the lift's door open, I dashed out. I opened the glass door and walked outside and just then, it started raining.

"Aish! Why now? Can't you wait for 10-20 minutes?!" I cursed while placing my handbag over my head and starting to run to my house. It was at 20 minutes walking and I don't have car. I passed the bus stop but at a distance I saw something.

More like, someone. He was standing under the rain with his arms wide open. His face towards the sky and his coat and pant all drenched. But he still managed to look handsome. His legs moving while lips murmuring something I couldn't hear.

I walked closer to that person while taking the bag down from my head. I don't like rainy season at all. All the mud, water and ugh!! But seeing this person here, it makes me happy? Once I was a safe yet close distance, I noticed that it was no one else but my co-worker, Kang Taehyun.

I smiled while walking closer. Why not talk to your crush who is dancing and enjoying the rain? I was almost there when his body fell on the ground. I froze on my spot, processing what the hell happened right now... He fainted?

HE FAINTED!! I ran up to him and kneeled down. I patted his cheek while saying, "Taehyung-shi, open your eyes! Taehyun-shi! Look at me? What happened to you?" I was really worried because even in the cold rain, his body was really hot.

Not the sexy hot but like the temperature hot! I didn't knew what to do to. I don't know his house, his phone's password to call someone or anything. I gulped and just held him before standing up. Okay he's damn heavy.

I wrapped his hand around my neck and my hand around his waist and other over his hand which was on my shoulder. I started dragging him towards my house. I thought that it's the best option right now. I was out of breath till we reach my house.

I opened the door, somehow, with him around me and entered inside. I removed my shoes and his and pulled him inside. "Oppa!! Come out please!" I called my brother. I heard footsteps coming downstairs in rush.

Once my brother was in my sight, I pointed at the man in my arms. "W-Who is he?" He asked me confused. "Whoever he must be! Just help me for now! Change his clothes and lay him on my bed." I told him.

He nodded and took Taehyun from my grip. My brother took him upstairs to his room to change. I also quickly changed from my wet clothes to long sweat pants and hoodie which is not mine but oppa's. I was drying my hair when the door opened.

Two men entered inside, one unconscious. Yeonjun laid Taehyun on the bed and looked at me. "He is really... manly" He commented as I started laughing. "You're work is done here. You can go" I shooed him.

"But who the hell is he?" He asked me. "A co-worker in my office who was playing under the rain like a kid and fainting in front of me. I didn't knew his house so I brought him here" I explained him. He nodded walked out before closing the door.

I went the bathroom, leaving my hair half wet. I filled the bowl I had with water and took a towel before walking outside. I sat beside Taehyun and dipped the towel wet. I removed the excessive water and placed it on his forehead.

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