His Secretary hurts You (Taehyung)

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"I'm sorry Love. This was out of nowhere. The meeting will take just an hour, I will make sure. You sit with Seo Joon meanwhile hmm?" Taehyung kissed my forehead and smiled. "It is fine Tae. Take your time. I can wait" I said before giving him a little push to the exit. He sent a flying kiss before walking away. I turned around and started walking to the elevator. Seo Joon works in the finance department which is 3 floors before this floor. I pressed the elevator button while I heard heels clicking on the floor. I looked over my shoulder and saw Taehyung's secretary. "You didn't stop hoeing around, did you?" Her words made me look at her in confusion.

"You still wanna get in my husband's pants, do you?" I backfired. She passed a bitch look before walking closer to me. Her body touched my 6 month belly. I moved a step back. "Months pregnant and you come here wanting to fight with me? You know I can do anything with your little piece of flesh right now" She looked down at my belly. I knew I was helpless at the passing moment. I moved back one more time. "You won't do anything to me. You want your good girl image in my husband's eyes behold." I exclaimed even though sweat was crawling down my spine. "I really want that, but I can't just move past you" she smiled in the most annoying way before stepping towards me.

She winked before pushing my left with force and turning around. What she didn't know was my back hit the wall and I slipped, landing on the staircase behind. A loud scream left my throat, burning it. My body was rolling down the stairs and I couldn't process anything happening. Every inch of my body was in an unbearable pain. My knees were scratched. My head is hitting every stair without missing. My arms were around my belly, protecting and making the fall cause less damage to my baby. I was finally at the bottom, in pain and damage. Every part of my body was aching and bleeding. My throat burning from the inaudible scream and my eyes burning tears. My heart was beating in my ears.

I looked up to the top, I saw Yeon Soo standing there. She looked scared. How could you? I couldn't move. Taehyung... Help me! "Baby" was all I could speak before I was engulfed by darkness. Save my baby.

Third POV

Yeon Soo hears a scream. Rolling her eyes, she turned around. Her eyes couldn't find Y/n. "What the hell?" She uttered before walking to the noise. She saw Y/n at the bottom of the stairs. Her eyes enlarged. What did she do? She could only stare at the woman down. She knew she was going to get in trouble now. She heard footsteps coming but her eyes were moving from the fainted figure. "Mrs. Kim!" She flinched before looking around. 3 people jogged down the stairs. She turned around and ran to the meeting room. Mr. Kim! She slammed the door open. "Mr. Kim!" She was shaking. She had committed a crime. Her deeds could kill both the living. Everyone turned to her. "Y/n fell down... The stairs" she announced as his eyes widened.

The remote fell down from his hand as he bolted to the door. He ran out of the meeting room along with others following him but Yeon Soo couldn't move. She fell down on the ground. It was as if she was holding strong until Taehyung got the news. Now that it is done, she couldn't help but break down. She was now guilty of pushing her. She does not regret acting rude and wanting Taehyung but pushing her... She never wanted to cause so much trouble. While Taehyung reached the stairs, he saw Y/n on the floor with blood ozing down her. It was not much but enough for him to worry about being sick. He kneeled down beside her. "Love! Wake up. Open your eyes. You have to stay strong. DID ANYONE CALL THE AMBULANCE?!" He yelled.

"Yes sir. We did. It will be here in 10 minutes." One of the sales department employees answered. Taehyung felt tears pooling in his eyes. It was hard for him to watch his wife like this. He was more scared for her than he was for the baby. He wanted the baby to be safe but if anything happens to his love, he wouldn't be able to live. "Sir, let's take Mrs. Kim down. It would save more time." One suggested. Taehyung nodded before wiping his tears by the back of his fist. He carefully slid his hands under her and picked her up. She was heavy. Of course she would be, she was 6 months pregnant. He was trying his best to not break down completely. He kept shredding a few tears but the ones he was holding in were more than a few.

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