Out of Gas Pt.2| Suho [EXO]

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"Wake up bitch" I heard a faint voice. "Ugh go away you bastard" I hissed at my brother. "I'm warning you. After an hour or so my friends are visiting me and I don't want them to see you lying like a dead body so you better get up" he warned me as my eyes widen. Suho will meet me today. I quickly did a body wave and stood up. "Aish this girl knows how to give a person heart attack." He glared at me and walked out of my room.

It's been a week since I came here. I used to live in USA for my fashion designing course which I passed. I came 2nd in the whole university. I came here because the fashion sense of these people is excellent. I quickly went to take a shower and wore a white shirt tugged in denim skirt. I tied my hair into a high pony and applied my strawberry lip gloss. I checked my look for the last time and exit my room.

 I checked my look for the last time and exit my room

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I saw my brother in the kitchen. "Hey Loey what are you making?" I asked him. "Still not over the pet name?" He asked annoyed. "Yeah. Now tell me what are you making?" I repeated. "Bacon and ham sandwhich." He told me. "That sounds delicious. After I went to USA, you seem to learn how to cook." I teased him. "Whatever make you sleep better" he rolled his eyes.

I walked back to my room to see if there is any message from Suho and there was. It said, 'I'm at the lobby right now. I will meet my friend and meet you in correct 2 hours here' a smile automatically plastered on my face. I don't know why but since yesterday, Suho is the only thing I am thinking. Why having dinner, before sleeping and right after walking up today. He has took over my thoughts.

I sat down on the bed when the door bell rang. "Y/N, MY FRIENDS ARE HERE. I'LL OPEN THE DOOR. COME FAST" Chanyeol yelled from the living room. I quickly started typing, 'Sure. I'll also introduce you to my brother. He is really thankful to you for dropping me home' I send the message and got up. The door opened revealing my brother. "Come out. They are waiting for you." He told me as I nodded.

I placed my phone in my pocket and followed him outside. My heart was beating like yesterday. It's not like Suho is- what is he doing here?!! My eyes widen at his sight. "Suho/Y/n?" we both said together. "Uh... you know each other?" My brother asked me. I looked at him and then at Suho. "He's the one who gave lift yesterday." I replied. "Ah the handsome prince of yours" Chanyeol said as I snapped my head to him. I might have break it if it was anymore fast.

"Can't you shut up for a minute dickhead!" I hissed at him. I looked back at Suho as he was smirking at me. I felt all the blood rush to my face. "Guys, this is my sister, Park Y/n. And Y/n, there are my friends. Xiumin, Baekhyun, Chen, Sehun, Lay, Jongin, Kyung Soo and Suho, who you already know, your handsome prince" he teased me. "YAH YODA!" I yelled at him.

"What's with the handsome prince?" I think Baekhyun asked. "Yesterday, her car ran out of gas and I happened to drive through there. I just gave her lift till here." Suho explained. "And she told me, he looked like a handsome prince of her heart" Chanyeol interrupted. "Run if you want to see the face of your kids" I warned him as his eyes widen. He got up and quickly ran while I chased him.

"Park Chanyeol, you giant human, just wait till I catch you!" I yelled at him while running through the whole living room. His friends were laughing at us. He ran out of the kitchen as I followed him but just then Suho came in front of me. My eyes widen while I tried to stop my legs but too late. I crashed into him causing both of us fall flat on the floor.

I looked at him as he was staring at me. "Should this handsome prince of yours help you with that heart of yours?" he asked with teasing tone. I blushed and buried my face in his chest as he laughed, sending vibration in my body. He really needs to help me with the fluttering heart of mine.

 He really needs to help me with the fluttering heart of mine

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