Meeting my family| Lucas (NCT)

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You know that feeling when you feel that your heart is going to just jump out of your chest. That is what I'm feeling right now. "Shouldn't it me be acting this way?" I heard the melodious voice say. I turned to my boyfriend, Lucas. "Weren't you acting this way when I met your family?" I glared at him. "Uh how about we go inside?" He changed the topic. He literally cried because of nervousness.

"Yeah yeah. Let's go" I said and took in a deep breath. I opened the gate and we both entered inside. Walking towards to door was the longest moment for me. I stood in front of the door as Lucas intertwined our hands. I looked at him and he gave me a sweet smile. "I hope everything goes well" I whispered. He squeezed my hand and leaned closer.

"Everything will be just fine. We've been fighting everything together for what, 3-4 years. This isn't the biggest obstacle. Instead, this will make our relation more strong" He explained me. This is why I love him. He always knows how and where to use the right words. I smiled and tip toed up as he leaned more close. Our lips collide as I wrapped up hand around his neck.

"PARK Y/N!!" I flinched and looked to my left. "Appa!" I gasped seeing my dad in front of us, at the door frame. Dad looked at Lucas making him hold my hand tightly. This baby gosh. "Yeobu let them come inside" I saw mom behind him. He looked at me before turning around and walking inside. I looked at Lucas as he gave me an assuring smile. I nodded at him and we entered inside. Lucas closed the door and followed me. I walked to the living room where both were sitting.

I signaled Lucas to sit. We both sat cross to mom and dad. My mom was smiling at us and gave me wink and thumbs up. I felt my cheeks heat up because of that. "Appa- " "Who is this?" Dad asked quickly. "I'm your daughter's boyfriend, sir" Lucas answered. He seemed confident. Dad looked at Lucas for a second before intertwining his both hand. He looks serious.

"He is really handsome Y/n. You both look like made for each other!" Mom started fangirling as the tension around decreased. I smiled at her. "How long?" I heard dad. "4 years" I answered as he shot his head to me. "Sir, I really love your daughter. It's not the attraction towards her body though she have a perfect figure. I never touched her in these 4 years" Lucas spoke.

"I love her who she is. The way she smile, the way smile act when she's excited. How she admires the nature, the way she pouts when she's frustrated. I truly love her." He stopped and held my hand. "And, if we don't have your blessing, we won't marry each other. I don't want you think that I am tearing up your family" He continued. "Lucas!" I hissed at him.

I looked at dad as he was intensely staring at me. I shifted under his gaze. "Y/n" I heard him. I looked at him as he was fidgeting with his fingers. "B-But... I'm your hero!! What about me when he steals your heart!?!" Dad cried. I looked at dad in disbelief but then smiled. I moved by dad, "Aigoo dad... you will always be my hero and king. Don't worry. I'm just a princess of his!" I said while resting my head on his shoulder.

I looked at Lucas as he was smiling in relief. "I'll bring cake I made in the morning! Let's have some sweet!" Mom exclaimed and went to the kitchen. "Listen here young man, take proper care of my daughter. She is my only one" Dad warned him. He nodded and said, "Yes sir. I will never be the reason she cries" He said. "It's appa for you" Dad said making me happy.

I was now happy. I can marry my love at last.

 I can marry my love at last

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