Pub| Sung Jae

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"Come on this is my birthday. Enjoy a little baby!" She yelled through the music. I gave her a tight smile. She went back on the floor to dance while I was sitting at the bar. I sighed knowing Sung Jae is unknown to the fact that I am at a club of his enemy. I don't know why out in the whole city she found this one single pub. 'Come on, it's just an hour and then you can excuse yourself out of here.' I thought. I ordered a few shots and was watching my friends dance like crazy. They look so happy. Yeon Jin waved at me and signaled me to join them but I shook my head. Thinking of Jae, Him and I are having cold war since morning for I don't know what reason but it just have me feeling down. Not that I am under his control. I felt extremely bored and also annoyed by the guy staring the fuck out of me.

I got up from the chair and went to Min Ji. "I will leave. I am not feeling well" I yelled at her ears. She knew about me and Jae's fight so she didn't questioned. She hugged me tight as I kissed her cheek. "Happy birthday best friend" I smiled as she nodded. I turned around and walked to the exit. It was like things went in blink until I was pushed against a table. I don't know what happened but it was the guy who was staring at me creepyly. "Hey beautiful" he smiled in the most creepy way. "Move" I acted cool. I didn't meet his eyes, I kept looking away at the wall. He just kept staring at me. I was getting scared inside but I didn't showed. I tried pushing him back but he didn't even bulge. My arms on his shoulder forced him back but I was less powerful in front of him.

"Move!" I raised my voice. He held my hands and started dragging me with him. I looked around and saw we were on the other side of dance floor, not many people can see us. "Let's have fun na. You didn't even had fun" he started smirking at me. I felt tears dwelling in my eyes. I regret coming here. I can't bear to be touched by him, let alone give up my virginity to this creep. I tried to remove his grip from mine but it was useless. Please... A leg hitting the back of the man. The man fell tripped with force, it made him let go of the grip but due to the force, I fell forward on my knees as well. I felt my knees aching from pain. They must be scrapped badly by the pain and burn I was feeling. I looked up to my left to the man. If I wasn't already on the ground, I would be after this.

The fire in his made my eyes go wide. If a glare could kill a person, the man would die the most painful death. He was looking so angry. His eyes landed on me. His chest rising and falling so fast as if he ran miles. The man groaned catching my attention. He turned and glared at Sung Jae. No no no... Before I could get up, the man lunged on him, starting a fight. I pushed my hands on the floor and got on my feet. My knees are hurting so much. Jae punched the guy in the face. "No J stop!" I said, trying to hold his hand. He passed me a glare making me pause. I stepped back from them. I just stood and watched them two fighting, more like him beating the guy. There was crowd gathering around. The manager came and a few men pulled them two apart.

"HOW DARE YOU TOUCH MY WOMAN!" He yelled as I looked at him in awe. My woman? I felt my heart beating louder than the music in the background. The man was bleeding. Jae shrugged the grip and came towards me. He looked into my eyes for a second before gripping my hand and dragging me with him. His grip was too tight for me. I tried to make him let go off the grip. "Stop dragging me! You're hurting me" I told him as I was already overwhelmed from the past incident. "J please leave me you are hurting me!" I raised my voice like before. No use. I looked at his back as he was angry. Why am I being dragged everywhere? Even that guy forced me and now my own boyfriend is forcing me without my concern.

We turned to the alley which is the short cut to the main road. What if my fault?! "Please" a sob left my mouth due to the pain. He haulted in his step. Tears burning at my cheeks as I stared up at him. He looked back at me. His gaze lost all the anger. He let go off my hand and held my waist, hugging me. He pushed me on the wall behind and placed his head on my bear shoulder. He sighed making his breath hit my neck. "I'm sorry for hurting you princess. I was just angry at him. Seeing you being dragged made me so angry. I swear I wanted to kill him." He mumbled. "And you did the same, in anger" I said glancing at his head. Nevertheless, I slowly raised my hands and hugged his neck. "I did wrong, I know. I am sorry for that princess" he muffled. I buried my face in his neck and started crying.

"I was scared. I hate how he held me. I thought I was gonna be ruined now. I felt so scared. I still feel disgusted by his touch. He was staring at me so creepily." I sobbed as he caressed my hair. "Shh. Calm down princess. You are safe now. You are in my arms now. I'm right here love." He whispered comforting words in my eyes as I felt more emotional. I tightened my grip around him as he sighed. In the end, we made up for everything happened.

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