Best friend|Jackson (Got7)

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I was so nervous around Jackson nowadays. I always had these feelings of jealousy whenever he flirts with any other girl and hell he flirts every day because he's a playboy. He just gets a girlfriend and leaves her not even a week later. I always smiled and brushed these feelings but nowadays, Jackson is not dating like before. He tells me that he likes a girl who is quite close to him.

As far as I know, there is no girl closer to him. He talks about her a lot and this is starting to hurt me honestly. I don't think I'll be able to bear his 'My crush' talks. While walking down the hallways, I grabbed my hair and tied them into a high ponytail. I sighed and opened the door. I saw the class as usual, noisy. Being best friend of playboy and the most handsome guy in the school isn't easy.

"Good morning Y/n" Two girls greeted me. I just awkwardly bowed a bit and walked further. They just come to you for their needs and if it's not done, they never talk to you. This is really tiring job. I placed my bag down and sat down. "What's with the long look?" I turned to my right and saw the idiot of my life. "Morning to you too Jacky" I said and rested my head on the desk.

"Are you not feeling well?" he asked. I nodded on the desk as he clicked his tongue. "I'll just sleep. Wake me up if the teacher calls me" I said and closed my eyes. I am feeling really weak yesterday. I don't why but it's like fever. I feel warm breath and my burn but then thermometer in our house said, it's not fever. I don't know what it is. With my thoughts, I went deep into sleep.


I kept my body shaken by someone. I opened my eyes and saw Jackson, resting his head on his desk too, facing me. "Is the class over?" I asked him while yawning. "Yes. Let's go to cafeteria." he said as I nodded. I slowly got up, still half asleep. I was feeling more worse than before... Why? I shook my head to shake out the dizziness but only to bump into something.

"Yah Y/n!" were the last words I heard before blacking out.

Jackson's POV

I placed my head on the desk and woke Y/n up. Since morning, she is looking really down. I felt her body warm but thought it was because of summer. "Is the class over?" she asked me while yawning. She us making me go crazy. Can she get more cute? "Yes. Let's go to cafeteria" I said as she nodded and got up slowly. She was walking very weakly. I frowned as she shook her head.

I opened my mouth to ask her as she's okay but just then, she bumped into the door. "Yah Y/n!" I scolded her. Instead of answering me, she fell on the floor. My eyes widen as I rushed to her. I kneeled beside her and tapped her cheek. "Yah Kim Y/n,wake up!" I said but her body was burning. "This girl! She is having heavy fever and still have the guts to come to school!" I mumbled to myself while sliding my hands under her and lifting her bridal style.

I carefully walked out the class and started running to the clinic. I felt as if my hands would burn if I hold her anymore. I saw the pharmacy in front as I speed up. I banged my legs on the door becuase of Y/n in my arms. The door open and the nurse showed up. I walked inside and laid her on bed. "She is burning from fever" I told the nurse as she nodded.

She started checking her and placed the thermometer under her collar. After few minutes later, she took it out and checked. "It's really high. I'll take care of her, you can go to class student" she said. As much as I wanted to stay with Y/n, I knew it was not allowed. I nodded at her and bowed in respect. I turned around walked out, not before closing the door. How can she get so sick?

She was fine till yesterday... Did she ate ice cream bucket? This girl never listens to me! Aish...

Y/n's POV

I felt something heavy on my head as I opened my eyes. The light was too bright making me blink several times before getting used to it. I slowly looked around to see a familiar room. I removed the thing from my forehead and it was a wet towel. I frowned at it and looked to my right. It was Jackson, sleeping with our hands intertwined. My heart started racing just by looking at him.

But then I realized, we were in the class and now here, at Jackson's house? What happened? I shook Jackson, "Jacky wake up" I said while shaking him. He resist getting up up forcefully got up. He rubbed his eyes. I looked at him with amazement. He looks so cute with those messy hair. "Oh you're up! How are you feeling?" he asked me. "I'm fine but what happened?" I asked him.

"You fainted in the class so I brought you to clinic. The nurse told me that you have heavy fever. You were there for the half day and when you were healed enough to go home, I brought you here. I didn't wanted your parents to be worried." He told me as I smiled. "Thank you Jackie" I held his hand in my hands. His face turned scarlet as I felt my heart race. He looked into my eyes.

Is he trying to kill me with those beautiful eyes? My heart is beating at an unbeatable speed. How long will I keep these feelings with me? I can't anymore! "I like you!" We both said together. My eyes widen at his words, same goes for him. "You like me?!" And again, we are together. I looked at him with my mouth twitching. A few seconds later, we both burst into laughter.

I know that this is not a funny moment but we can't help it. After having a good laugh, we both calmed down and looked at each other. "So, you really like me...?" He asked. I nodded while saying, "Yeah. Since you started telling me about your crush." I answered. "Then it's a victory for me" He smiled. "What?" I uttered. "Yes, I was basically talking about you in front of you without you knowing but my motive was, also, to make you get to like me" He replied to me.

"You meanie!!" I smacked his arm as he started laughing. "Gosh you don't have any idea how much I love your laugh" I complimented him. He smiled and pulled me into a hug. "I love everything about you my cupcake" He whispered near my ears.

 "I love everything about you my cupcake" He whispered near my ears

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It didn't had much romantic feels but I am satisfied by this oneshot.

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