Sick, not really| Sungjae [BTOB]

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I opened my eyes as I felt a warm body behind me. I turned around and smile slowly. There is he, the love of my life. He looks so peaceful right now. He must be tired from the performance and concert. I removed the bangs from his eyes as I kissed his nose. I saw him smiling as he opened his eyes. "Good morning baby" He said and pulled me closer.

"Morning handsome" I replied as he chuckled. "Did you sleep well?" he asked and closed his eyes before snuggling his face into my neck. "Yes an-" I stopped as I felt this smell in my nose. I scrunch my face as I felt nauseous. I quickly removed Sungjae's hand and got up before running to the bathroom. "Baby what happened?" I heard him ask from behind.

I slammed the door opened and sat leaned in front of the cubicle. I then threw up the things I never ate. I felt disgusting. I gagged a bit while throwing up. I felt my hair being held into a pony by Sungjae. He rubbed my back I was finally done with the dirty stuff. I leaned back and sighed. "Are you sick baby?" He asked me as I shook my head. "I don't know. I just felt some disgusting smell and felt like throwing up." I told him.

"It's fine now..." He said while pulling me into his arms. I wrapped my arms around his waist as I felt tired. I rarely get sick and I hate being sick, even he knows it. "Just rest for today. And then you'll feel better." He said and picked me bridal style. "I can walk you know" I smiled at him as he kissed my forehead. "I know but I don't want you to." he told me.

He laid me down and walked to the other side of the bed. "I'm sorry. You have to spend the only free day like this" I said while caressing his cheek. "It's fine baby. As long as you're okay, I'm okay" he said and pulled me closer.


I closed the lid and leaned on the wall. "Let's go to doctor baby. This is not something that happens to you" He said. This is the nth time I've thrown up since morning and it's just evening right now. "Fine. Let's go" I agreed and got up. "I bring the key and my wallet, till then you sit on the couch." He said while I nodded. I walked to the couch and sat down.

Why is that I'm feeling so nauseous? I didn't ate anything wrong did I? It's also not that we just did 'it' without pro- wait... we didn't use protection!!! I stood up from the couch in shock. A smile spread on my face as I caressed my stomach. "Could it be true?" I whispered while looking at my stomach. "I'm back. Let's go baby" I heard Sungjae making me turn around.

I nodded and we walked out. Soon as we reached the hospital, the doctor did some tests and went to get it tested. "I hope it is nothing serious right?" He said as I nodded. I secretly hope that it is what I think cause if yes, then we both will be so happy, at least I will be. I looked at Sungjae, would he like it if he gets this news? Would it affect his career?

The door opened, pulling me out of thoughts. The doctor smiled to me as my heart beat increased. "What are the results doctor? There's nothing serious is there?" He asked her. "Actually, this is a surprisingly happy case." she said smiling at me. I knew it!! I smiled back at her, getting what she is saying. "What is it doctor?" He asked impatiently.

"She's pregnant right now" doctor said as I felt tear form in my eyes. I looked at Sungjae as he was looking at doctor with wide eyes. My lips twitched a bit. Is he not happy? I placed my hand on his shoulder making him look at me. "A-Are you not happy baby?" I asked him nervously. "Huh..." he uttered and stood up. Don't just leave please. I won't be enduring it. He turned to me and picked me up making me gasp.

"We're going to me parent my love!!" He yelled while spinning me. I sighed in relief as he was happy. I thought he wouldn't want the baby. "Careful Mr." doctor warned him. "I'm sorry." he smiled sheepishly and put me down. He cupped my cheeks as his eyes were full of tears, scratch that, happy tears. "I'm so happy. Thank you so much baby. It's all because of you I'm this happy" he hugged me tightly. I buried my face in his neck.

Finally, we are going to have our own family... 


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