Bcoz of Drama| WooYoung [Ateez]

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"If we had met in another world and at another time, I think how great would have that been." She smiled at him. "If only that could be... I wouldn't fear anything. I would freely," She took a breath as he was waiting for her to complete.

"I would freely and truly love you all I wanted" She finished her lines... And there scene changed, him standing in front of the entrance of the palace. He slowly puts his hand over his left eyes and rubs off the makeup with his palm. Okay I'm crying rivers right now.

"I will find you. My... Soo" He said looking stare in my eyes. The scene changed and it was back to their conversation. He carried her on his back, giving her piggyback and started jogging towards the camera. And it's over... I wiped my tears and sniffed.

I sighed and drank the juice in my glass before putting it on the table. I looked at my boyfriend with a smile but it turned into worry instantly. "Woo... Why are you crying? Did I hurt you? Am I too heavy to cuddle?" I quickly moved away to only be pulled back.

He back hugged me and buried his face covered with tears in my neck. Is it because? "A-Are you by chance, crying because of the end of Moon Lovers?" I asked him, referring the drama we were just watching. He nodded before sobbing.

I smiled to myself before turning to him. "Y-You know I love you right? I-I will never leave you. I will n-never doubt you. Just never leave me a-alone. I don't want to meet you in another world and another time!" He sobbed. I gasped lightly.

"I am happy and lucky to have you right here and right now. Don't think of leaving me ever. I love you t-too much Y/n-ah" he sobbed making me teary.

"My Youngie... I know it's emotional and sad but it's a drama baby. You can cry but how can you think I will you leave you? He doubt her, hurt her, ignored her letters because of misunderstanding. You will never do that I know" I caressed his cheeks, wiping his tears.

"You always gave me freedom and privacy. You know I can't be myself without you, right?" I asked him as he nodded while more tears fell down his eyes. And this time, I was also crying. I mean who wouldn't cry if their boyfriend is being so emotional, and for you!

"I will never leave you baby. I'm right here, in your arms. I also love you so much! Don't worry" I hugged his waist. He tightened his grip around me. I smiled on his chest seeing him so loving. Gosh he is making me go crazy for him. I looked up at him.

"How about we go out on date and then cuddle again when we're home?" I suggested. He nodded like a kid making me chuckle. "Let's go then" I said and got up. He didn't let go off my hand until I was inside our room. Once I changed, I took my purse and we head out.

We went to café and ate cake. We then took a walk around Han river and went back home. All the day, he would either be tugging on my hands, or hold me by my waist. It was really cute seeing my boyfriend be cute and baby. We don't have to meet each other at different time.

Some people just... don't need another world to meet.


Short yet cute

______Short yet cute

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