Jumping of the bridge|Vernon[SVT]

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I was walking at the bridge for some cool air. I had a fight at home so I just angrily ran out. It was night time and not many people were seen. In other words, it was calm and peaceful. I was looked at the water under with my hands in the pocket of my hoodie as it was a bit cold out. At the corner of my eye, I saw a figure so I looked at it. It was a guy at the edge of the bridge.

My eyes widen as I thought he was about to jump. I ran towards him and held his arm tightly before turning him around because he was standing between the railings. While doing so, he lost his balance and let his weight push me down on the ground with him on top of me. I groaned in pain as he was quite heavy. "Ah eomma!" I hissed. I felt hot breath on my lips.

I opened my eyes and saw a pair of shiny hazel eyes staring at me. His eyes are so beautiful. [Yeah you can say I am obsessed with eyes] We were staring at each other with the sound of water audible. If it was some drama, it would've been a romantic love at first sight scene but here, it was not. I flinched as someone honked loudly. Maybe he also realized our position because he got up.

I was about to get up and he offered me his hand. I took it and got up. I dusted my clothes and looked at him. "I am sorry but what was your reason to pull me upon you?" He asked with his crossed over his chest. 'Wait so he wasn't..? Ugh! You never let go a single chance to embarrass yourself Song Y/n!!' I smile awkwardly before saying.

"I... er-I thought you were... you were going-going to... You know." I said while playing with my sweaty fingers. I heard him chuckled making me look at him. "You thought I was going to jump from here?" He asked while pointing at the bridge. I nodded slowly, like a kid who was caught while stealing a candy. He started laughing as I nodded. "THERE NOTHING TO LAUGH MR." I scolded.

"Gosh you are really a funny person. If anyone wanted to jump from here, why would he just stand here looking down?" He asked. He has a point though. "I-I just thought so... I just wanted to save your life for god's sake. "Thank you my life saver." He said bowing in front of me. I smiled at his actions. "You're most welcome" I smirked. He smiled at me.

"I'm Vernon, and you are?" He introduced himself. "Song Y/n" I told him. "Pretty name for a beautiful girl huh" He said making me blush. "Gosh such a flirt" I said as he laughed at my words.

"That's how, our first meet happened. Right love?" I turned to my side with a smile on my face. "Yes" he said and pecked my lips. "Wow mom! That funny as well as so romantic!!!" our daughter fangirled over her parent's first meet making both of us laugh. "Now go to bed honey. You have school tomorrow" I said as she laid down.

I tugged her in and kissed her forehead before exiting the room. I was then pulled into a back hug. I smiled knowing who it was. "What is it baby?" I asked him. "I still the way my heart was beating when I first saw your brown deep eyes." He whispered in my ears making me blush.

" He whispered in my ears making me blush

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