Guardian Demon| HyunJin [Stray Kids]

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I glared at the two people right in front of my table. Feeding cake to their partners like they don't have any hands. Stupid cringe. I scoffed and angrily sipped the coffee only to regret it. It was fucking hot. "Ah it's hot!! Hot Hot!!" I cursed.

I rubbed my tongue over my finger tip. "I'm sorry I know I'm hot but you don't need to say that so openly" I heard a husky voice which gave me goosebumps. I turned to my side and saw a boy standing beside me. Okay...

He is hot but arrogant. He raised his eyebrow at me making me smirk. "So Mr. Hot, would you like to spend the Valentine day with me? I'm free today?" I asked him while getting up. He looked shook. Don't challenge me. I crossed my hands over my chest as he rolled his eyes.

"I'll take that as a yes" I smiled and took my bag. "Ah one minute" I said and took the cup. I drank the coffee in one go and placed it back on the table. "It's still fucking hot!" I hissed. I wrapped my hand around his arm and started dragging him out.

"Miss I'm already someone's guardian angel" He told me making me halt. I turned to him as the door closed. "Listen up here mister. I know I am acting like a clingy fangirl but I also have some self-respect. I just wanted to hang out with someone because my mood is down." I swatted his hands away.

"You can politely reject me. What's with the guardian angel shit?!" I spat on the ground and turned around. I started walking away from him. I also have some guardian angel jerk. I'm not someone who's guardian angel.

I took a taxi and going to restaurant. I want to drink right now. Everyone's finding their guardian angel yet I am here looking at people. Let me explain you. I live in a world where there is someone who is your guardian angel.

He or she is also who have some powers to protect you and that person is also your soulmate. Everyone find their guardian angel till 20 but me being a 24 year old haven't found yet. Many people told me that my soulmate has died or is not there.

I ordered 4 whiskeys while scrolling through my phone. Every valentine and special days go by just like this for me. Me drinking somewhere and sobbing over my sad life. I don't even know when this will end.

I drank and drank and drank until I was totally drunk. Someone sat in front of me making me look up. I saw the same guy from the café. "I must be really drunk. Imagining the jerk again" I groaned. I hit my head on the table continuously.

A hand stopped me from doing so. "What do you want Mr. Jerk?" I asked bored. "Wasn't I Mr. Hot, Y/n-shi?" He spoke making me shook. "H-How do you know m-my name? I didn't t-told you" I stuttered. Or maybe because I'm drunk.

"Which guardian angel doesn't know their soulmate's name" He laughed. "I told you not to give me that- wait what? Y-You are my guardian angel?!" I asked him shocked. "Guardian Demon actually" He said as my eyes widen. I-I got myself a demon?!

"Why should I believe you? You can also be a stalker" I tried to protest. "Wanna try?" He questioned. "Try wha-" My eyes widen as I saw him get up and lean forward. He cupped my jaw and smashed his lips over mine.

I knew. I knew then and there that he is my guardian ang- demon I mean. Those feels and sparks are no joke. Also my heart beating. Oh my god!! He pulled away making me looked at him shook. "I guess that's enough" He chuckled.

I looked down at the table, all sober now. My cheeks heat up as my lips felt... I don't know how to explain. I looked at the person in front of me. "W-What's your name btw?" I asked him. "HyunJin" he answered. "But a demon?" I asked.

He sighed and started, "I was an angel but because of something, I was sent to hell." He stopped. "It makes me a demon and also being your guardian, they couldn't replace me otherwise you had to die" He shrugged. "W-What sin did you do in the first place!?" I asked shocked.

"I must have- or not... did dirty with someone" He avoided my eye. My mouth went open as he told me. "Wah... Do you have any kink?" I asked making him snap his head at me. I bite my lips supressing my laugh.

 I bite my lips supressing my laugh

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