Paying for my stuff| Taemin [Shinee]

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I got out of my car and locked it before throwing the key somewhere in my purse. I smiled as the sunlight fell on my face. Finally! The summer is starting. I walked inside the mall. I decided to buy clothes first then eat something because the sale is only for 2 hours. I don't want to let go such a precious chance. That's why I straight away went to the sale.

It was shop were each and every type of cloth was. Men to women, cotton to silk and also Gucci to secondhand. It was everyone. I entered inside as the aircon hit my face making me shut my eyes. This stupid aircon. I walked further into the shop and started looking for clothes. This sale is every 3 months. I wouldn't have ran here like crazy if most of my clothes were short for me.

I went to the top's section and started looking for cute yet sexy tops. I saw many tops and decided to buy some out of them. I had black, pink, purple, ingido, royal and sky blue, orange, peach and grass green color top. I bought two tops of same color and then move to pants. I didn't bought much just a black short and ripped dark blue jeans and an off white skirt which was going with everything.

I was finally done with selecting clothes and then went to the trail room. The only trail room I like. They let you take as many things as you want. I took all these and entered the room. I didn't wanted to match things, I only wanted to see if they fit and look nice on me. I really need clothes. I managed to get my card from my brother who had it every day and was spending like party.

Everything fitted me well except the skirt. It didn't looked nice. I decided not to buy that, instead, I took a white short and walked to the counter. I placed all those stuff on the counter as the lady's eyes widen. "Y-You're going to buy all this?" She asked me while point at the clothes. "Yeah. I don't really fit into most of my clothes so this is it for now." I told her.

She nodded, still shocked. She checking the item while I removed my card. I held it in my hand till she was done. I gave the card to her and she swapped it. I waited for her to be done. She swapped second time and then third. "Ma'am, I think this card is not working. The payment is not accessing." The lady told me while politely giving back my card.

I frowned. "What? It was fine till yesterday. Did you properly checked it?" I asked her confused. "Yes ma'am. Looks like it is cut without your knowing." She told me as my eyes looked at the clothes in realization. This woman! "Just a min." I told her and moved away from the corner. I removed my phone and dialed mom's number. After three rings, she finally picked.

"Mom did you really cut off my card?!" I hissed at her. "Yes I did. You were spending money uselessly. Snacks and beers? You are wasting our money Y/n." she answered as I sighed. It was not me but him mother. But I couldn't say it. "Mom, this once please. You know I don't fit in my clothes nowadays. I just need to buy them. For once huh mom!" I begged at her.

"This is your third time saying this Y/n. I said no means no." She said and hung up. I looked at the floor in disbelief. I'm going to strangle that dickhead brother of mine. I walked back to the counter lady. I was feeling really embarrassed and nervous. "Umm... I... my mother... can I not buy thes-" I was cut off by a hand passing a card forward.

"Pay those things with this." I heard a manly voice. I turned around to face the man to only be starstruck. "No. You don't have to pay for my stuff" I told him. "Please. I insist." He said but I still shook my head. "No sir. You can't. They are my- I mean those stuff are mine to buy. You cannot pay for nothing" I warned him but his stubborn ass won't listen to me.

"If you don't genuinely accept this, I have to forcefully have to make you accept this" He said while towering above me. "Fine!" I huffed and turned to the lady on the counter. She was smiling at her. Like what are you smiling at lady? Did something funny happened? She took his card and swapped it as I heard a ding. It was from his phone.

The lady packed the things in the bag and passed it to me. Just when I was about to take them, the guy took it in his hand. I looked at him in disbelief. "At least let me hold my stuff!" I groaned. "What a man lets the lady hold such heavy stuff, not me at least" he smiled at me. "Those are clothes, not bricks which I'd like to hit your face with" I told him.

"Feisty I see." He chuckled and started walking. "Where are you going? I want to go to parking!" I questioned him. "To eat. I am really hungry and want a company" He told me and entered a restaurant. He is really insane. "Listen here mister, I don't want to be your company. Just give me your account and I'll send money till tomorrow!" I blocked his way.

"I don't want money back. I just need you to spend this day as a date with me" He smirked at me. I looked at him as if he is crazy. He winked at me and walked past me. I felt my face heat up. This is crazy. I followed him and sat in front of him.

We eat, we then went to his car. I on purpose didn't told him I bought my car because I liked to be with him. He bought ice cream and took me to park for a walk before dropping home. I stood in front of the gate and turned around to face him. "I hope you enjoyed your sudden date" He teased me.

I laughed at his words. "Yeah yeah whatever Taemin. Now, give me your account number. I'll sent the money" I asked him. "Eh-he! I told you I don't want money. I just wanted to be on a date with you but now, I changed my mind. Instead of account, how about I give you my number?" He asked while leaning closer. I tried to hide my blush but it was impossible.

I nodded as he smiled in victory. I gave him my phone as he typed his number and gave himself a call. "I'll call you beautiful" He winked and got into his car. I quickly turned around and ran into my house. This is crazy. Giving a stranger my number and blushing because of him. This isn't a love at first sight, is it? Oh my god what if it is? I'm doomed dude!! I accidently tripped and fell on the floor.

"I really fell hard" I whispered. "Yeah. On the ground, as well as in love" I heard my brother. I looked up and saw him smirking. "You saw it!?" I asked him shocked. "Maybe yes... or no" He said and ran away. Aish!!


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