Jealous oppa| Jungkook [BTS]

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It was around noon as I was sitting on the couch dining table eating tokkbokki with my boyfriend, Jungkook, watching TV. The mnet was showing '1 billion views' by SC unit of EXO. "Sehun looks like a bad boy!! Chanyeol is really squishyyy!! Uwa!!" I started fangirling over them. I heard a scoff from beside which is from Jungkook oppa.

"They look no good in front of me." he said while stuffing his mouth. I tried not to smile at his jealous act. "Oppa, look here" I said and placed my chopsticks down. He turned to me as I pinch his nose. He groaned in pain as I giggled. "Stop being jealous over someone who doesn't even know me" I told him and let go off his nose. "Okay that hurt!" He yelled in a high pitch voice making me laugh out loudly.

"YAH!" He yelled at me. "What? Are- AHH EOMMAA!" I yelled as he did the same to me. "Oppa its hurts leave before you regret it!!" I warned him. "You started it!!" he said while letting go off my nose. "Doesn't mean you have to end it" I mumbled while glaring at him. "It does!!" he said. "It doesn't!!" I yelled back. "Of course it does!!" "It doesn't oppaa!!!!"

"YAH! SHUT YOUR DUSTBINS WILL YOU!!" I heard Suga yelled from his room. "WE ARE TRYING TO SLEEP HERE FOR GOD'S SAKE!" Jin hyung yelled. Yeah I just call him hyung. Weird right. "Wake up sleepy head! It's noon already!" I screamed back. "NOO!" Other's yelled together. "That was fast" I mumbled. "THEN PUT COTTON BALLS IN YOUR EARS RATHER THAN COMPLAINING" I yelled back.

"God my ears are numb because of these idiots" Jungkook said as I glared at him. A door opened revealing J-hope and Jimin oppa. They were still half asleep. They looked so cute!! I ship them!! I smiled while looking at them. "AHH YAH OPPAA!!" I yelled as he pinched my nose again. "Stop drooling over my brothers. You're only mine." He said and pecked my nose.

"Feeling better?" he asked teasing. "Not at all." I rolled my eyes playfully and continue eating. "Maybe you need something else" He smirked at me as I chocked on the food. That dirty mind bastard. "YAH Shut your dirty brain for some time bunny" I said making him glare at me. "What did you just said?" He asked refering the bunny word. "Cute bunny" I said and started running for my life.

"YAH Kim Y/n, don't you call me cute bunny. I'm a human and your boyfriend for Jesus's sake!!" he scream and started chasing me. Suga groaned in his room and plugged cotton in his ears.

"Ah this really works. Those dumbass loud shithead doesn't let a person sleep in peace" he mumbled and went back to sleep.

 Those dumbass loud shithead doesn't let a person sleep in peace" he mumbled and went back to sleep

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