My unknown fiance|Kai [EXO]

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I chucked down the shot and slammed the glass on the table. "How could they do this?! Without my permission, without my concern, how can my parents arrange me to a stranger for fuck's sake!!" I groaned as I felt anger build in me. "Why do they love their damn company more than their daughter!? Why am I not anything in their eyes..." I whispered the last part as tears filled my eyes. I can't! I'm tired of living to their expectation. I can't anymore. Just like how they decided I'm marrying Mr. Kim's son because they want their company to grow more! Am I a deal for god's sake!


I came home from my job which was not at my dad's company. I got a job on my abilities and passion. I removed my shoes and hanged the coat by the table before walking inside the house. I saw mom and dad sitting in the living room. I bowed to them saying, "I'm back home" I turned and was about to go to my room when dad called me. "Come here Y/n." I turned around as mom patted the place beside her. That was when my doubt started growing. Why are they suddenly so nice to me? Why are they asking me to sit beside them? But not wanting to look a bad daughter, I walked towards mom and saw beside her.

"Do you want to ask something dad?" I asked politely. "No. I want to tell you something." He said. My heartbeat was increasing as every second passed. Something seems off. They both are wearing a smile which is not a good sign. "W-What is it dad?" I questioned. "You are getting married." He told me. "Oh I'm getting mar- wait what?!?" I looked at them shock. "Yes, you will marry the son of Kim association by the next week." He continued. "I'm not marrying." I answered boldly. "We are not asking for your opinion young lady. We are telling you that you will get married. Whether you like it or no." His cold voice scared me.

"You will meet your fiancé tomorrow for dinner. I'll send the hotel name tomorrow and be there by 7 otherwise the result won't be good." Dad warned me and got up. I was still looking at the ground with tears in my eyes. "I'll also sleep." Mom said and walked away too. I looked at the ceiling, scoffing in disbelieve. They are marrying away their daughter. And for what? The Kim's to invest in dad's company? Wow... I can't believe my own parents are this way. I won't be surprised if my so-called fiancé turns around abusive or a manwhore or a cheat. I wiped my tears before walked to the door. I took my coat and ran out.

~End of Flashback~

And here I am, sitting at a bar and drinking my pain out. I picked up the next glass and gulped it down. "Whoa there" I heard a manly voice. I turned to my side and saw a handsome guy. He was wearing black hoodie, upon that a black shirt and then a leather jacket along with blue denim jeans. "What?" I uttered with my eyebrow raised. "You are drinking the wrong drink lady. That is mine" he pointed at the glass in my hand. I looked at it and then realized, I ordered whiskey and not cocktail. "I'm sorry" I mumbled and passed the glass to the bartender. "You seem down young lady." I heard the guy say. Maybe if I share, the anger might lessen? "Because I'm forcedly marrying away." I told him as he chuckled.

"You are the same case then." He said making me frown. "What do you mean?" I asked him. "Well as you can see, I'm here to drink my sadness away. I'm feeling the same feels you are. I'm also marrying to a woman I never met" he said as my face formed a smile. At least someone who understands my feelings. "Then the feeling mutual" I chuckled at him. "I guess so" He uttered. "I'm Park Y/n" I offered a handshake. "I'm Kim Jong In" he shook hands with me. We smiled at each other as my body felt tingles all over it. We then started talking how random things and our passion because we thought, avoiding the marriage subject will be better.

I got to know so much about him. He doesn't seem that bad. "My dad's owns the Kim asso-" he was cut off by my phone ringing. I looked at it and saw it was from mom. "I think I'll have to get going." I told him. "It's fine. We can always meet next right?" He said smiling. "Your number Mr. Kim." I bowed a bit while showing my phone to him. I heard him laugh as I followed him. "Here you go" he passed me back my phone. I looked at it to see that he saved the number as 'Mr. Handsome' I chuckled and waved at him before exiting the bar. My heard was unknowingly beating fast. I shook those feeling away and started heading home.

Next day

"Are you ready or no Y/n?" Mom came inside. "I am mom" I answered her while looking at the mirror. I was wearing a peach color tube dress with a key hole under my neck. It looked so beautiful on me. I had my hairs tied into a high pony with few strand on the frame of my face for look. I didn't wore much makeup, just rude lipstick and blush. "You look beautiful honey" I heard my mom. "Thanks mom" I said half-heartedly. "I'll get going." I told her and took my handbag and walked down. I saw dad sitting on the couch, reading some files. "I'll get going,

Dad." I bowed to him as he nodded. I silently scoffed.

I got into the car and drove to the hotel dad texted me. It the hotel close to the bar I wet yesterday. And since last night, till this moment, for some reason Kai is the only person roaming in my head. I can't stop thinking of him for a minute. His smile, his well set gelled hair, his funny talks and he himself. Gosh I hope I see him before getting married. I pressed the breaks as I reached the hotel. I looked at the building as I took a deep breath. This is it. You are going to meet your future husband here. I got out of the car and locked it before walking to the entrance. I was supposed to go the 12th floor. I entered the lift and pressed the close.

Just as it was about to close, a hand came in between, stopping the lift from closing. I frowned as the door opened again. "Kai/Y/n?" we both said together. I looked at him from head to toes. He was wearing a black blazer over white shirt and office pants down with black polished shoes. He had the same hairstyle as yesterday. He entered inside as I turned to him. "What are you doing here?" I asked him. "Meet my so-called future wife, and you?" he answered. "Me too... It's just husband because I'm straight." I smiled at him. "Wow! What a coincidence!" he chuckled. "I know right. Now we both can see who out partners are." I said.

He nodded. "Wait, how are you going recognize him?" he asked me. "Dad said, just to ask Kim Associates there and a waiter wi-" He cut me off, "What did you say? Kim Associate?" he asked me. "Yeah. I know right. It's quite big news." I chuckled. "So you are Park Min Jun's daughter" he said as I frowned. "How do you know my dad's name?" I asked him. "Wha this is crazy" he massaged his forehead. "What is going on Kai?" I questioned him, not getting what he's talking. "Let's just said, it's me who you are supposed to marry" he said as my eyes widen. "What? You mean you are Kim's son?" I asked shock.

He nodded as it was my turn to go in shock. "Wha this is crazy" I looked around. "I know right. Who knew we both were talking about each other last night. This definitely isn't coincidence." He told me as I was still shocked. "At least I'm glad it's not some manwhore" I mumbled. "Manwhore!?" Kai raised his voice. I turned to him. "I-I mean, I thought that you would be an alcohol addict or cheater... I didn't knew it was you though" I smiled sheepishly at him. "I can't believe this. You thought this way about me?" he asked. "I didn't knew it was you dumb. If I had, I wouldn't have protested this marriage." I defended myself.

"So it means now you want to marry me huh..." he smirked while coming closer to me. My eyes widen, "N-No that's not what I-" I stopped midway as he leaned down. My back touched to the wall and his face inches away from mine. "This is going to be fun my future wife." He said and walked out as the door opened. "Aren't you coming love?!" he turned to me smiling. I blushed, remembering the scene while walking out. It will definitely be fun. Marrying this person, is going to be fun. I thought while wrapping my arm around his. He smiled at me as I blushed. We can be happy I guess. 


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Omo! The feels! They are already acting like couple!!!!!

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