Jealousy| Onew [Shinee]

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I moved my arms forward to hug my boyfriend but was only met with cold blanket. I opened my eyes a little and saw that he was gone. "God he is really an idiot" I heard his faint voice from downstairs. I got off the bed and opened the door of our bedroom. I started climbing down the stairs and saw Onew sitting with a girl?! I frowned at them.

I was about to walk down but he noticed me. "Oh baby you're up" he smiled at me but didn't get up to give his regular morning kiss. The girl turned around to me and it was none other than his freaking best friend. Ugh! She comes here every Sunday and ruin our off day. "Hey Y/n" She smiled at me. "Morning Sunmi-ah" I faked a smile.

"Babe, we both are going to get coffee and a walk around. We'll be back in an hour or so." He said and held her hand before walking out. I scoffed in disbelief. He didn't even hugged me nor gave me a kiss. "That girl have my boyfriend wrapped around her finger." I glared at the closed door before stomping back to our room. I slammed the door shut.

I took a pair of clothes and went to the bathroom to take shower. My mind was still lingered to them both. What must be they doing? Ugh I know I shouldn't be jealous of her because I know he loves me but I can't help it! Which girlfriend won't be jealous over her boyfriend's girl best friend who looks so gorgeous. I dried myself and walked out.

I got into the sky blue jeans and yellow floral top with loose sleeves. I tied my hair into a ponytail and took my bag before running out of the house. I got into a cab and told the driver the address of the café they both usually go. After 15 minutes, we reached there. I paid and got off. I looked through the glass wall to see they are here or not and they were!

I entered inside and tried not to make it obvious that I'm here. I sat a bit away from there but at a place from where I can see them. Both were facing each other and laughing at something. He surely knows how to make people jealous. I was burning holes into them when a waitress spoke. "Ma'am you're order" He said making me look at him. I looked at him and told, "Ice Americano with extra ice" he wrote it and walked off.

I turned back to them and saw Onew staring at me. I quickly shot my head to the other side. I bite my lips and scolded myself. I wish he didn't knew it was me. "Y/n?" I heard his voice as my eyes widen. Shit! He caught me. I slowly turned around and saw both of them standing at the table. "Oh baby, Sunmi! What are you doing here?" I asked trying to act casual.

"Maybe it's the other way around baby. What are you doing here?" he asked knowing why I'm here. "To drink coffee of course" I answered. "But I don't see any coffee" She spoke. I gave her a quick glare before meeting eyes with Onew. "You said you won't be home for an hour or so I thought why not I also go out. So I came here" I lied.

"Not believable but okay. Sunmi-ah, we'll meet on next Sunday then" He said as my mouth left open. "NO!" I interrupted. Both turned to me. "What no?" He asked. "Y-You both can't meet on next S-Sunday." I told them. "Why is that?" She asked. Why do you need answers girl! I said no then it is no! "Because mom wants us for dinner" I quickly covered.

"Oh okay. We'll see then when we're free. I'll get going now" She said and was about to hug him but I stood in between. I hugged her and said, "Nice to meet you Sunmi. Visit soon" Sarcasm was dripping from my mouth with each word. "Uh okay" She said and left while I was glaring at her back. "You're jealous of my best friend?" I heard Onew. I turned to him as he was smiling.

"What? NO! Why would I be?" I said and sat down just when my coffee came. "If you say so" He teased me. "I said I'm not jealous!" I protested making him laugh. "Says the one who stalked us till here" He taunted me as I got red. I drank the coffee as he was laughing. "You know I love you more that her" He told me while holding my hand. "I know but who won't be jealous" I pouted.

"Aigoo my baby is jealous" He hissed and pulled me into a hug while I closed my eyes. It felt nice to be in his arms. Safe from everything.

 Safe from everything

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