Alley pervert|Ro Woon (SF9)

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(Some mature content so if you're not comfortable then I prefer to skip this chapter)

I sighed in relief as my work was finally done. I am now free to go home. I packed my handbag and exit the company I work at. I massaged my shoulders as they were paining very much. I was tired. It had been a tiring and busy week for me. Now that my work is done and tomorrow is Sunday, I'm gonna spend it like crazy. I saw that the regular I go, is packed with people. 

Why are the out like cats and dogs?! I silently groan and saw that there was alley. Should I take it? I hate crowded places. I guess it won't harm to take that alley for once in while right? I shrugged bad thoughts away and turned to the alley before walking into it. It was dark but there was no noise there. There was a puppy sleeping on the corner while I walked further. 

It was peaceful to be honest. I've always heard that there are dirty perverts in allies like this but here is n- I suddenly felt a hand over my shoulder. I froze at my place, now having second thought. "Hey sexy" I heard a husky old voice. I slowly turned around and saw a man around his 30s smiling at me creepily. I removed his hand and started walking further, trying to ignore him. 

"What's the rush" he said and pulled me back. He pinned me to the wall as I hissed in pain. "What do you want ajusshi?!" I asked him boldly but deep inside, I was trembling. "I want to have some fun with you." he smirked at me. I gagged at his words. I tried to remove his hand from the wall but instead he wrapped his hand around my waist and one around my neck. 

I felt disguised by his touch. "Leave m-" he cut me off by kissing me. I tried to push him but he was more stronger than me. His lips left mine and attacked my neck. This was my chance! "ANYONE!! HELP ME Plea-mhhhmhhh!" his hand shut my mouth as he bite my neck. I felt tears fall. I was feeling so helpless right now. I knew I shouldn't have entered this alley in the first place. 

There will be no one helping me and I'll lose my precious V card to a pervert. His other hand massaged my boob as I was more disguised. I was still trying to push him. He finally moved away as I opened my mouth to shout but a hard hand came into contact with my right cheek. I stumbled to my side and fell down. I looked up and saw his eyes showing pure anger. 

"I was going really light on you but you want it. The other way don't you?" he gritted through his teeth. He kneeled down to my level as I slowly moved back, crying. "Please leave me..." I begged him. "Why should I? I like your smell and your body Babygirl. Your pussycat will be happy to have my dick in it wouldn't it?" he said as I closed my eyes in disguise. 

How could he? My hair were harshly grabbed and I was pulled forward. His lips hungrily ducked on my lips as his tongue entered my mouth. I was so dirty right now. I finally gave knowing there's no way I could get out. His hand fisted my shirt and tore it, exposing my bra. He pulled down my pants as I was now only in undergarments. 

His hands went into my pants and he started rubbing my clit. I unwillingly let out a moan. I hate this feeling from this guy but the pleasure couldn't be controlled. The cold air hit my body as I felt some confidence come inside me. An idea pasted my brain as I opened my eyes. I placed my hands on his crouch. His lips left mine. "Yes. Rub daddy's dick like that." he moaned as I bite my tongue. 

I rubbed it as his eyes were closed. He leaned back and was moaning as this was my chance. I didn't moved my hand and kept rubbing but slowly lifted my body up. I removed my hand and pressed my shoes over his dick. He yelled in pain as I took my chance. I quickly wore my pant and started going the other way. My shirt was tore so I couldn't wear it. 

"come here you bitch!!" he yelled as he got up. "Shit!" I cursed under my breath as I buttoned up my shorts and picked my bag before running. I looked behind and saw he was running behind me. I wasn't looking in front which caused me to bump into something. I gasped as my body started falling backwards. A pair of hands grabbed my bare waist and pulled me back on my feet. 

I looked up and a handsome guy. He was much taller than me. "There you are" I heard the perverts voice as a hand grabbed my wrist. I turned around and the pervert. I looked at the guy who I bumped into with pleading eyes, "Leave her" he spoke with a cold voice. A shiver ran down my spine. "No you leave her. I found her first!" the pervert said. 

"I said," he pulled me behind him and punched the pervert square in his face. "leave her bastard" he finished his words. I was kind of impressed by his move. The pervert fell on the ground with his lips bleeding. "don't you dare lay a single finger on her" the handsome guy warned him and turned to me. I covered my chest with the handbag as I was fucking embarrassed. 

I saw the guy removed his hoodie as my eyes wide. I shut my eyes close. "Wear this" I heard his voice. I opened my eyes and saw him offering his hoodie. He had a shirt under the hoodie. I took it as he turned around. I let my bag fall and quickly got into the hoodie. "You can turn around" I said lowly. I was at the verge of fainting. He turned around and picked my bag. 

"Let's go" he said and held my hand into his. I looked at the unconscious pervert before moving my legs. We came out the alley as my legs gave up. I was feeling so disgusted in myself. "Are you okay?" he asked me as he kneeled in front of me. I looked at him as a wave of relief rushed into me. I gave him a small smile and said, "I'm fine. Just a bit tired. Thank you for saving me" he smiled at me.

His smile is cute. He turned around, showing his back to me. "Hop on" he said. As much as I wanted to reject it but I couldn't walk till my house. I slowly got on his back as he rise. "Am I heavy?" I asked him. "No not really. In fact you are very light." he said as I wrapped my hand around his neck. His body is so warm. It feels safe with him. 

"Thank you for saving me" I mumbled before drifting off the sleep.

"Thank you for saving me" I mumbled before drifting off the sleep

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