Teacher|Taecyeon (2PM)

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I slide the gates and ran inside. "You stupid lazy person! How can you be late for your first day!?" I scolded myself while running inside my new school. I turned to my right becuase it was where hallway was. I saw no one there literally no one but one boy. I ran to him and tapped his shoulder. He is quite taller. Maybe 5.8-5.9. He turned around and boom!!

I'm shook! He is so handsome! "Yes?" He said. "Um can you tell me where class xxx is?" I asked him. "Yeah. That's my class. Follow me." He told me. I nodded as we were walking to some direction. "How long are you here?" I questioned. "About 2 years I guess. I'm Taecyeon by the way." He answered. "I'm Y/n" I replied.

His jawline is really sharp. I was looked at him when he turned to me. I quickly looked forward. Hope he don't know I was checking him out. We walked to the end of the hallway. This is it. "Here you go." He said smiling. "Thank you but aren't you doing to enter?!" I interrogated him. "I will but later. You can go first" He told me. "Okay then." I said and entered the class.

I looked at the class once and saw there was a bench empty in the 4th row. I walked there as everyone got up. "Good morning teacher" Everyone greeted. I quickly removed my bag and turned around. 'He?' I thought. The boy who showed me the way to my class is my teacher?! Oh my god!! He looked at me and smiled. I bowed to him, embarrassed.

How can't you tell if anyone is student or teacher?! I bite my bottom lip as he said, "Sit down class. I see that we have a new student here" He said looking at me. "Come forward." He told me. I placed my bag on the chair and started walking to the front. I turned to the class and bowed. "Hello, I'm Y/n. I am 17 years old and I like singing. I hope we get along well." I said as everyone clapped.

"I don't know about them but we will surely get along babygirl" Taecyeon whispered in my ears sending shivers down my spine. I looked at him and he winked at me.

 I looked at him and he winked at me

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