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I couldn't understand a work the teacher was saying. I was just standing at my table, being scolded by him because I slept in the class. For the nth time. This is all because of that Lucas. Who the fuck lies awake whole night and still manage go get through the day?! I can't do that so I sleep in the class. I was staring at the floor, as the last night repeated in my mind. I mean how the hell can I be so pathetic?! You know what I did? I literally confessed that I love Lucas last night. Out of nowhere!!

We were having a good conversation last night. Until the topic started to get a little you know emotional or maybe involving feelings. So in that flow, I just happen to text that I love him and now I am on seen since then. He would ghost me now. Just like the past times. And we would always end up in situationship. I don't know how but whatever. The whole time getting scolded, I was thinking about the time we spent together.

We are from different colleges but met online. Well technically, we went to same school, knew we both existed but never talked. When we started texting, we started meeting. The meetings turned into daily routine. Into him kissing my forehead every time he leaves. Into him always hugging me when we meet. Into him buying chips and chocolate to me. Into us watching movies in theatre and having late night ice cream.

Why won't anyone fall for him if he did all he was doing. When we were talking, he also have told me that he never liked relationships. He hate them because it makes him feel tied down. All the people he was in relationship with, were good in start but then would damn possessive and act psycho type also, they would tell him not to do this, not to go here, not to hang out with me. We were not best friends but we were not just friends as well. You know what I mean right? Situationship.

Once the scolding was over, the lecture ended. I looked at my phone and saw no message from him. I sighed to see a snap from him. He is ghosting me actually. I opened it and it was of his college. His college is on my way home. Hope he is there when I pass by. A glimpse of him would also be fine. I just took my bag before walking out of the class. I have to go to the bus stop. I saw my friend waving at me. I just passed a tight smile because walking out of the gate. Let's hope we see him if he has not gone home.

I took left then after exiting the gate to only stumble over my shoe lace. "Ahh!" I gasped and quickly held onto the arms which steadied me on my feet. I breathed in, in relief and said, "Thank you" looking up. "You cannot fall in another man's arm or love" he said. He kneeled down on his knees to tie my lace. "What are you doing here Lucas?!" I questioned, almost inaudible. "To answer your confession" he looked up at me and smiled. My eyes went to his out of style hair. I touched them with my fingers and started fixing it, as I usually do.

He got up while my hand was still in his hair. I looked awkwardly at him before removing my hands. "You could've told on chats as well you know instead of leaving me on seen." I scoffed and folded my hands. "Seems like you aren't happy seeing me" he gave me his fake angry face. "I would be more happy to see you after you becoming my boyfriend or not at all" I acted hard to get. "Well it won't be more good to make me your boyfriend in person" He raised his eyebrow. "Yeah making you my boy- what?!" I looked at him shocked. He chuckled before placing his forearm on my shoulder. He leaned closer making me move my head back.

"So do you wanna be my girlfriend?" He tilted his head. "You don't even love me" I looked away from his eyes. He removed his hands from my shoulder and put it in his cargo pants. He inhaled deeply. "Do you remember when I told you that I don't like relationships because I feel tied down? That I prefer friends with benefits more. That I get bored after few days in relationship. But out 10 months of friendship and even after ghosting you 4 times, here I am, in front of you. I am asking you to be my girlfriend so I would've has a serious internal battle right? I won't play with you princess, I promise"

His words made me realize things. He was in friends with benefit but broke that off because she wanted relationship. Half a year, sorry almost a year is such a long period and even after confessing, he wants to be together... Be might at least like me. I looked into his eyes before speaking, "So you actually do love me? Like for real?" "Never been so damn sure of anything else princess" he smiled. I broke into a grin before jogging to him. I threw my hands around his neck while he held me by my waist.

He picked me up from the ground and started spinning making me yelp. I laughed at him. "We are not in US Lucas. Put me down" I stated. "Fuck them, you being in my arms is what matters to me right now." He chuckled. He finally put me while I stare in his eyes. "You have pretty hands" I complimented. "Shouldn't it be eyes though?" He frowned. I laughed before pecking his lips. I looked around and people were staring at us. I felt embarrassed making my cheeks heated. Fuckkk... "You are so damn adorable" I heard him say as I buried my face in his chest. He tightly hugged me back.

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