His Wife| Oh Sehun

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The loud continuous sound of the car honk disturbed my eardrums. "Can you stop honking?!?" I raised my voice. "Why should I? Did you stop Baekhyun from touching you?" My boyfriend glared at me. "For god sake Sehun! He wasn't touching me, he just had his hand in the air near my waist!" I announced. "Oh really? Why was that necessary? Because you had no one to show off as your man?" He said sarcastically. "What the fuck are you talking! Hear yourself first" I scoffed. "I am aware of what I am saying. I told you, in the first hand, to not go that fucking party! I don't like those people but dare you ever listen to me" he gritted through his teeth while turning to the left.

"They are my friends! They were your friends as well until you had that fight you won't tell me about!" This is the part that I hate the most in our relationship. Where we raise our voices at each other,  say hurtful things and just fight. This is the worst part of every relationship. "You do not need to know every part of my life" he said calmly. I slowly turned to him after hearing those words.  His head snapped to me faster than mine. He was forced to look in front because he was driving the car. That was the last straw for me. I couldn't take it anymore. "Stop the car." I whispered. "What? No" he refused. "I said stop the car Oh Sehun!" I increased the volume of my voice with each word.

"For god's sake, I am not stopping the car Mrs. Oh!" He glanced at me. I froze. I couldn't move or couldn't speak. It was like if I moved, I would spill around the car because something in me turned into liquid. Liquid doesn't have shape so I can't bear spilling. "Say something love" I hear him call. I slowly looked at him. I realised that the car was stopped. Why did he refuse then? My eyes fell on the box in his hand. The liquid I was, started spilling through my eyes as my voice hurt in my throat. "Oh my god" was all I could whisper. I looked up at him and again at the ring.

"Ugh this is probably the most worst situation anyone can get a proposal for but I thought it was going to be a happy moment." He wiped his eyes. "Sehun are you crying honey?" I lifted his head with my fingers. Nothing right now made sense. It was happening too fast to process anything. "I'm sorry for ruining your party and ruining the moment which is supposed to be memorable." His voice was breaking. God he is so sweet. "Hey this is beautiful. This is more than I could ask for Sehun. You care for me. That is all I need." I held his hand. "I just need you. I don't need big proposals, large ceremonies. You are enough" I kissed his forehead.

"I'm sorry for how I reacted. But I promise this is not going to happen again. We talk things out calmly. I will work on that. But about this... It is up to you" He plucked out the ring from the box. "It is a yes! It has always been a yes for you sweetie" I hugged him. It was really uncomfortable to hug like this in the car but who cares right now. He slid the ring on my finger and leaned. "I would rather not. We can do much more at home, don't you think?" I moved back. He smirked before starting the car. My cheeks were hurting from smiling so much... I am engaged!

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