Who are you?| Sungjae [BTOB]

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I groaned before running my hands through my hair. This man really likes to test my patience! I looked around and saw some people giving me pity looks. Why are you? I mean I don't want your pity!! I sighed and just then the waitress who came almost 8 times, came again. 

I gave her a pointed look making her understand, "I will take that as a no" She said nervously.

She turned around and walked away. 

"Where are you Hoon Min?!" I mumbled. 

After waiting for more 20 minutes, I threw my phone inside my hand bag and tightened the knot of my shoes. I slung the bag over my shoulder and almost got up when someone sat in front of me. I looked up to see someone unfamiliar person, panting? 

"Babe I'm so sorry! There so much traffic that I couldn't make it on time. Please forgive me? I'll do the cooking tomorrow hmm?" He said with his melodious voice.

"B-But who are you?" I asked him.

"Baby I know I'm late, no very late but please don't be like this?" He gave me a pout while holding my hands.

"Just play along the act" He whispered making me nodded. 

"Let's just order and go" I said and took my hand back. 

I mean even though I agreed on playing along, doesn't mean that I will act like couple with a stranger. We both ordered our food and waited for it. 

"What's your name?" I asked him. "Yook SungJae. And you are?" He answered. 

"Kang Y/n." I told him with a small smile. "Did you got stood up?" He questioned. 

I nodded slowly, looking down at my hands, "On our 1 year anniversary" 

"Oh my... that person is really loosing a pure gem. He'll regret it soon" He said making my heart race. 

I looked at him but just then, our order came. We both had ordered steak. I saw him cutting the steak like a pro. After he was done, he took my plate making me frown. 

"Here you go beautiful" He said passing me his perfectly cut steak making me blush. 

I started eating while looking here and there but never at his eyes who were making hole in me. No, why is he staring at me? Am I eating so messy? 

"No. I'm staring because you're beautiful" He spoke making me choke on the steak. 

He quickly got up and came by my side. He patted my back while giving me the glass of water. [I have an obsession with these choking parts. Not a kink]

I drank the water and bowed a bit to him saying, "T-Thank you." 

"My pleasure." He sat back down on his chair. 

"Are you a flirt from start or just in front of me?" I asked him curiously. 

"Just for you m'lady" He winked at me making me laugh. 

We both talked about many things while eating our food. After that, he paid for the food. Even after telling him that we could split, yet he was the gentleman saying, 'What kind of guy lets his girl pay?' And honestly, it made my heart beat faster. 

He told me that he will drop me home because it's too late and it's too danger for a beautiful girl like me to be out. The flirty lines. He opened the door for me as I sat in. He played the radio and we drove to my house. 

After half an hour, we reached my house as I got off. 

"Wait!" He called out making me stop in my step. I turned around to see him running towards me. He showed me his phone making me frown. 

"Your number" He told me as I smiled. 

I took his phone and dialed my number in it. I saved it as Pretty Y/n just for fun. I passed him his phone back while he gave me a smile. I took a deep breath before standing on my toes and pecking his cheek. 

I chuckled at his shook reaction. 

"I'll for your call" I whispered and turned around walking inside my house. 

Waiting for Hoon Min was worth it. Otherwise I wouldn't have met this man.

 Otherwise I wouldn't have met this man

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