Bubble Tea|Sehun (Exo)

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I groaned as I didn't knew how to carry all these stuff. I had my bag pack on my back, a handbag in my hand, a cup of coffee and cream donut with two pastries. I managed to get these all things in my hands but the trouble was, how do I reach home with all these stuff. "You can do this Y/n!" I took a deep breath, heading to the exit but as soon as I turned around, I bumped into someone's chest.

I gasped as I felt cold liquid crawl down my shirt. "My coffee!!" I hissed. I looked up and saw a handsome guy. His gelled hair gave a final look to him. He was just breath taking. "I'm so sorry. I didn't knew you were behind me. I was trying to manage those stuf-" He cut me off, "It's fine actually. I was also not paying- oh your shirt is dirty" He said pointing at my shirt.

I looked down and saw coffee stain on my shirt but what embarrassed me was my red bra was visible. I covered my chest with my hand. I looked around and saw no one was looking with was relief. "Here" I heard the guy's voice. I looked up and saw the guy I bumped into, handing me his hoodie he was wearing few seconds ago. "No it's fine." I gave a polite smile.

"I insist. I can't let a beautiful girl walk on streets with wet shirt" he returned the smile. He is so cute!!! "If you insist" I said and took the hoodie. I placed my stuff on the table and with the hoodie, I walked to the bathroom. I entered one if the stalls and locked the door. I unbuttoned my shirt and removed it before wearing the guy's hoodie. It smelt like sweet peaches and strawberry. It's intoxicating!

I picked my shirt and walked out of the bathroom. I head to the table and saw the guy was sitting in the chair. "Thank you for the hoodie" I said making him flinch. "Sorry." I chuckled. "I'm Sehun by the way" he said smiling at me. "I'm Y/n" I replied. "You know there's a really good bubble tea shop a bit ahead. If you don't mind, how about we go there and talk? I can treat your coffee back" he said fidgeting his fingers.

Oh my gosh he's so cuteeeee!! I wanna squish his cheeks but... Control Y/n! "Sure, why not!" I agreed. He took both my bags and started walking, leaving me with donuts and pastries. "You know, we could eat these tasty stuff with the bubble tea" I informed him while showing the packet in my hand. He laughed at my childishness. "If you say so" he nodded.

We both drank our bubble tea with the sweets and had a sweet talk. He seemed like gentlemen to me. Walking girls home after spending day with them... "This is my house" I told him. "I guess, this is it" he said sadly. "Aigoo! Don't be sad Sehun-ah! We'll meet again! Don't worry" I said and ruffled his hair. "Noona!!" he whined making me laugh. Yes, he's younger than me.

"Then, I'll get going now. Just text me when your free" I said and turned around. But, I was held my arm and turned around. I was pulled onto a manly chest and I know who it is. "See you soon noona" he whispered in my ears and kissed my forehead before turning around. I just stood there, not knowing what to do. All I knew was I was blushing like crazy.

If anyone saw me like this, they would think I am on high fever. God! What are you doing to me Sehun!?

 God! What are you doing to me Sehun!?

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