Changed|DoYoung (NCT)

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I turned my head to the door as it opened, revealing my then so sweet boyfriend. He acts all cold to me now. "You're back DoDo" I smiled at him. He just hummed in response. "Did you ate dinner or shoul-" he cut me by saying, "I've eaten." he told. "Okay. How was work today?" I asked him. "Can you just shut up for a minute. Can't you see I'm tired?" he raised his voice and walked to our room. 

He slammed the door shut as my smile started fading and tears took place in eyes. This is how he acts whenever he is home. Short replies and ignorance. He leaves early and comes late and whenever I ask how was the day or anything, he just answers with 'I'm tired right now' or 'I'll go to sleep' He was once the sweetest and romantic boyfriend. I know he have pressure from fans and company but it never affect our relation then why now? 

"What made you change so much DoDo?" I whispered to myself. I walked inside the kitchen and sat at one corner. I brought my knees to my chest and buried my head into it. I let my tears fall freely. "I'm tired of this... We've been together for 4 years! How can you just change out of nowhere!?" I hissed to myself.

Author's POV

DoYoung left his bag on the table beside the door which had his songs and works he needed right now. He got up and walked out of their room. He was about to go to the door when he head sobs. He frowned, not knowing where they are coming from. He slowly entered the kitchen and saw a figure crying in the corned. His eyes softened as he recognized it was Y/n crying. 

"Is it because I can't satisfy him? Is it because I nag? Then I won't. I won't say a word to him about anything but please god... I beg you. Bring my DoDo back. He isn't the same anymore. The cheerful, romantic, with a great sense of humor and mostly, who used to love me is not him anymore. I don't know this person." she pleaded with her head still buried in her knees. 

DoYoung's eyes teared up at her words. "I want my DoDo back god. Anything it needs. I miss his soft voice, I miss his want hugs, I miss how he used to say, 'My love, I love you 3000' I miss him, Gosh I miss him so fucking that I'm going crazy." she started sobbing as DoYoung's heart broke at the sight. He was feeling so guilty. 

"I want my love back. I'm ready to leave him if anyone other makes him happy but just please... Let me see his sweet smile once. Just once, I want to hear my name from his mouth. I don't care about the cost." these words hit DoYoung's heart like arrow. He started walking towards her.

Y/n's POV

"I was so done with this. Why can't we go back to where we were? The happy us?" I mumbled. "Jagiya~" I heard his voice. That sweet voice calling him name. I chuckled bitterly saying, "I'm going so crazy that now I'm hearing his voice. That sweet voice of his" I looked up to wipe my tears but only to meet a face with tears rolling down. 

I gasped, "DoDo, why are you crying? Are you hurt? Is something wrong?" I asked him while wiping his tears. Why is he crying? He suddenly pulled me into a hug. I quickly wrap my arms around his neck. "It's okay baby. Whatever it is, it will be fine. Don't cry" I whispered to him. "I'm so sorry Baby. I'm so sorry. I've been such a bad boyfriend past weeks. I didn't realize that I was hurting you so much. I never did it intentionally. I'm sorry" he cried as I was shocked. 

He heard me? Oh no... "I-Its okay. I'm used to it-" I bite my tough as I realized what I said. Damn your mouth. "It's okay. We can start over right?" I continued. He pulled back and faced me. "Yes, and I promise, that I'll never act this way. I will always smile and laugh. I will cuddle with you, love you and be warm to you. I will be your old DoDo. This time forgive me this time baby please." he said while holding my hand in his both. 

Gosh I shouldn't have cried right now. "It's okay. I am not angry at you. You were just tired by work. It's natural" I smiled tightly. "No it's not! You shouldn't get used to this treatment baby. You deserve so much love and affection. I will do my best and treat you right..." he said and hugged me once again. I just hope I don't regret giving you a second chance DoYoung-ah... I patted his back as he was crying on my shoulder. 

Let's forget everything and start our relation again...

Let's forget everything and start our relation again

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