Stranger's love| Cha Eun Woo[Astro]

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"Aish!" I cursed, out of breath. I used my all strength to run faster. I was panting while running. I was late for the appointment. I bumped into someone while heading forward. I tripped and fell down. I yelped in pain as the person came by side. They kneeled down in front of me as I looked up. "I'm sorry miss. I wasn't looking where I was going" He apologized. Is he an idol? Because he's just my type. Just kidding. "No no. It was my fault. I was running without looking of who might be in front of me" I said and smiled at him. He offered me a hand after getting up. I took it and got up. "Thank you. I'm Y/n" I said.

"I'm Cha Eun Woo" He smiled at me. Wah his smile is also so cute. He looks so breath taking. This boy looks so handsome. He can be such a handsome groo- Shit! My eyes widen as I got up and started running again. After 5 minutes of doing a single person marathon, I pushed the door and entered the shops. I saw my friend standing in front of me as I walked towards him. I panted as I tripped over my feet and mistakenly fell into his arms. I was about to faint right now. "Whoa did you ran all way here?" He asked me. I nodded, not in any state to speak. "Sit down first, drink some water" He offered me a bottle.

"Actually I called you telling to come early but then Mia messaged me that she is late by half an hour." He said with sheepish smile. I looked at him in disbelief as my mouth was left open. "A-Are you out of your mind?! You called me, telling me to come early but you couldn't call me to tell Mia's late?!!" I hissed at him. "Sorry. It must've slipped out of my mind." He chuckled. "I'm gonna get back at you for making me run all the way for 20 minutes." I told him. Making him laugh. I shook my head and turn to the door as it started raining. I frowned when I saw Eun Woo looking at me with no emotion. Unknowingly, I got up.

"What happened?" I heard Mark said. I ignore him and started walking to the door but Eun Woo turned around and went away. I ran out even though I didn't had much strength. I couldn't find him in the crowd. "CHA EUN WOO!!" I yelled with my most loud voice. There was no response making me disappointed. Why though? The rain wasn't falling on me. I looked up and saw an umbrella over my head. I turned around and saw Eun Woo. I sighed in relief. "What are you doing out in this rain idiot?" He scolded me. "I thought I lost you" I muttered. He chuckled and ruffled my hair. "Never" He said.

"Isn't your boyfriend waiting for you?" He asked me looking at Mark. I frowned at first but then realized, he saw me bricking with him. "He is not my boyfriend though" I told him making him look at me. "What?" He said shocked. I nodded, trying to hide my smile. "He is my best friend's fiancée" I answered. "S-So you mean, it's not you g-getting..." He stopped midway. "Married?" I completed his sentence. "Yes. It's not me. I'm the bride's maid" I answered him. "That was so close!" He uttered. I was about to ask him about it but I was startled when he placed his lips on mine.

My eyes widen at first but then, I closed them and wrapped my hands around his neck. The umbrella slipped out of his hands when he wrapped his hands over my waist and pulled me closer. Our lips moving in sync. I felt these sparks I read in books. Maybe what they say is true, people do fall in love at first sight. I smiled at his lips.

 I smiled at his lips

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I now decided to write K-pop imagines due to many oneshot ideas popping in my mind. I hope you will support these series just like before!

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