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Background: Natasha is a cold hearted assassin until she meets you, with you she shows a whole new side only you get to see, especially when your sick :)

Y/n pov:

Today I woke up in my girlfriend Natasha's arms, my favourite way to wake up. Immediately I knew something was wrong and I coughed mid thought, I was sick again, great. I look to my left and see my gorgeous girlfriend asleep looking so peaceful, red hair sprawled across the baby blue pillow case, I layed admiring her for a while before I had the sudden urge to throw up. I slowly got up as to not wake miss sleeping beauty next to me and ran to the bathroom.

Natasha pov:

I wake up to a cold bed, I sit up wondering where y/n had gone and I see a dim light on and hear muffled noises coming from the bathroom. I race towards the door and hold my girlfriends hair up and place it in a pony tail while she throws up not even noticing I'm here yet.

Y/n pov :

After I've stopped throwing up I look up slowly as to not blind myself with the main light illuminating the bathroom.

"Good morning baby" nat cooed

*sniff* " morning love, I'm sorry did I wake you?" I questioned with guilt

"No you didnt moya luybov(my love I think), although I wish you did so I could help, here is some water"

I thank nat for the water and I slowly get to my feet and brush my teeth and flush the toilet, then I trudge to the bed.

"Are you hungry or thirsty, do you need anything" Nat questioned cautiously

"Actually yes I am quite hungry and can you get me pain killers please" *puppy eyes*

"Of course babe"

Nat pov:

After hearing the request I walk towards the shared kitchen in the compound and begin making y/ns favourite breakfast, pancakes and bacon with a coffee and 2 sugars. I put on my playlist and get started, half way through making the food the rest of the team begin to enter the kitchen too.

"Good morning nat" the 4 boys say in unison

"Morning cap, tony, Pietro and clint"

" can I have some" Tony asks taking a piece of perfectly cooked bacon

"I will cut out you voice box if you ask such a stupid question again, got it?"

"Jesus nat calm down, I wont have any then. Why are you always so aggressive"

"Why are you always such a asshole who takes peoples food"

As I say this i hear more footsteps, but everyone else is on a mission i question to myself. I see my adorable girlfriend slowly walking into the kitchen and making her way towards me. She makes these grabby hands that make me melt everytime I see them and I pick her up and sit her carefully on the island I was playing everything on.

"Hello baby, would you like any more food is this enough ?"

"Its enough thank you babe, I love you"

"Okay I love you too princess and I got you a coffee and pain meds, go sit down on the sofa and I will bring it over to you, just get comfy"

" what the fuck, just happened am I the only one confused"

I turn around to see Tony and the rest with shocked faces. None of them can quite believe what they heard and think this is all a hallucination.

"What tin man"

" how come we get mean and bitchy natasha and she gets soft nat, hey y/n can we trade. Pretty please" Tony pleads

" fuck no" my girlfriend whisper shouts back with a chuckle.

I make my way over to her with everything and put on her favourite film.

Y/n pov:

Nat brings over all the food and makes sure I'm comfy and warm and put on my favourite film, tho I'm not paying my attention to it. I'm watching those Forrest green eyes memorizing every detail and fleck of brown hidden within them and how perfect her skin is, her side profile. Everything about her is perfect.

"I love you natasha"

"I love you too angel"

The end :)
Once again this is my first time writing something at all.

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