Wanda+Natasha- the mistake Pt 2

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⚠️TW⚠️ mention of really serious topics such as depression, self harm and r@pe. If you are not comfortable with this skip this chapter.

Y/n pov

It's been 3 weeks dating nat and wanda and I couldn't be happier, have both of them by my side every day gives me a reason to live. I was talking to wanda in the kitchen when I heard it. Due to being with HYDRA I now have enhanced hearing, meaning I can hear things from around the compound. Except this noise I knew all too well, I zoned out listening and went to confirm my suspicions. I got up and walked towards where the noise was coming from and wanda trying to talk to me while following close behind. We got close enough to the door for wanda hear it to. I got to the door and peaked my head through the door. What I saw made my heart shatter and my entire body freeze.

"Y/n what's going on why did we ...." wanda trailed off once she saw it too. We both looked at eachother with tears in our eyes before deciding to make ourselves known. I slammed the door wide open, tears threatening to spill. There they were, Natasha and Bucky having sex in his room. The both heard the door bang open and stopped to look at the door.

"Y/n, wanda it's not what it looks like" natasha pleaded

" oh really because it looks like your cheating on us with 5 thousand year old man with a robot arm" wanda spat exaggerating not caring that she was wrong.

We both walked away, I ran to my room and locked my door, I sobbed until I couldnt breathe. I heard wandas pleas to open the door but I couldnt move.

Wanda pov

I knocked on the door till my knuckles hurt, I could tell y/n was more upset than I was. I know I should be hurt but I dont think its hit me yet, my main concern is y/n, she didnt deserve this.. neither of us did.

-time skip-

No ones pov

Natasha was desperately trying to talk to wanda about what happend, she wanted to explain her self but they didnt give her the time of day. As for     y/n she didnt leave her room, she barely ate and was slowly giving up. She decided to shower after and week and stumbled into the bathroom, she couldnt walk she was so weak.

Y/n pov
I stumbled into the bathroom, I needed to shower but I couldn't get enough strength. I managed to stand myself up using the bathroom counter and looked at myself in the mirror. My hair was everywhere, my eyes were red and blood shot and my cheeks were tear stained. I looked down in shame and something caught the corner of my eye. I picked it up and immediately put it back down, after a few minutes I picked it up and studied it again. I was my razor. I dragged the blade across my skin and feeling immediate relief.

Wanda pov

I had decided it had been too long, it had been 2 weeks and no one had seen y/n. I walked down the hall to her door and knocked softly, no answer. I knocked again but harder and no answer. I decided to use my powers to unlock the door and I walked in. Y/n is normally a neat person but this room was a mess, clothes were everywhere, the bedding was messy etc. I noticed the bathroom light on and walked through the door, the sight I saw nearly killed me. It was so heart breaking. Y/n was standing there blade in hand. I quickly got out of my trance and ran over to her, i took the blade and placed it on the counter engulfing her into a tight and love filled hug. We sat there for the rest of the day crying and talking and cuddling after I cleaned up her wounds.

-time skip-

It had been a week and me and y/n was feeling alot better. The team loved seeing y/n and me more and was so happy to have us back. That was until she came over.

Natasha pov

I had to get to them, despite the teams protests I had to talk, I had to explain. I cant even stand in the same room as Bucky, he makes me feel sick. I need my girls back.

Y/n pov

Me and wanda were sitting in the kitchen in the compound cuddling and watching tv, then she walked in.

"Can I talk to you guys please"

" no chance, you dont get a chance after  what you did, you hurt us. Badly " I said

"Yeah, alot. You didnt seem to think of us while fucking Bucky in the room down the hall. You know that y/n was so depressed she hurt her self, because of you" wanda said without thinking

Natasha's face dropped more than I thought was possible. Me and wanda started to walk out of the room done with the conversation, that's when I heard it. Due to my hearing I heard it and wanda didnt. What I heard shocked me so much I stopped dead in my tracks and turned to see nat on her knees in tears, face in her hands.

" nat, baby what do you mean" I said

Wanda looked at me in shock, she wasnt expecting the nickname and how soft my voice was at this moment in time.

" i didnt want to, i really didnt want to, but he.. he..."

I cut natasha off with a hug, this time wanda heard and she came over to hug both of us, happy to be reunited. I turn to wanda to see her eyes glow red, she gets up and walks out. We both hear high pitched screams and 30 seconds later, wanda drags an unconscious bucky behind her with a smirk on her face. She alerted the team and Bucky was kicked out of the compound for what he had done.

*1 day later*

We both took natasha back and we were happy once again. Glad to be back together safely and no one was going to take that away from us.

- big time skip-

We were drinking with the team after the wedding. We couldnt be happier to be with eachother.

"Right guys, we are gonna go to bed but we will see you in 2 weeks after our honeymoon " natasha said while smirking.

"Goodnight guys" the team said

With that we all left and we never, have been so close. I couldnt be happier.

Hey guys! I know Bucky wouldnt do this I just used his name for the story. I hope you guys enjoyed this, please let me know what you think because it will help. Have a good day :)

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