Natasha- sugar rush

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Nat pov
It was movie night with the team. Since there are less missions at the moment tony made the "smart" decision to have bonding time with the team. One of the suggestions was a weekly movie night which we all agreed too. I only agreed because my girlfriend persuaded me. They are the cutest person I ever met. Her name is y/n, she has bright blue eyes and blonde hair with light blue ends to match her eyes. Her nose scrunches slightly when she talks about something she is excited about something and her eyebrows furrow when she is confused or upset. I was always taught that love is for children. I had no place in the world and I was worthless. Y/n taught me I am not any of those things and love is not for children. She is perfect. The only problem is she cant have sugar, she has the biggest sugar rush I've ever seen. The police could mistake cocaine and sugar with her. I try and get her to avoid it at all costs. We made our way towards the living room hand in hand and got a seat on the dark green sofa. We watched a film cuddled up and Tony was just changing the film so I decided to get a drink. I offered y/n one and walked towards the kitchen.

Y/n pov
I sat on the sofa waiting for nat to come back with our drinks.

"Psst  y/n, psst" I looked around the room confused on who was talking to me. "Psst" I looked to my right and saw Pietro and Loki whispering to me with smirks on their faces. Pietro said something to me but I couldnt hear over everyone elses conversation. He could see the confusion on my face so just held up a small chocolate bar and a pack of rainbow belts. I felt a smirk creep up on my face but when I went to take it nat came back and sat next to me.

It had been 15 minutes into the film and I felt someone tap my shoulder. I saw a hand come from behind the sofa with the food in and a empty space where Loki was sitting until he put a hologram in his space. I looked at nat in the corner of my eye and she was too invested in the film to notice me. I took the food and ate it in seconds. Enjoying the sweet and sour of the candy and the rich smoothness of the chocolate. I removed the excess chocolate from my mouth and cheeks and sat and continued to watch the film. There was about 30 mins left of the film and I couldnt sit still. I looked at Pietro and loki who had huge grins on their face. I nodded towards the door and Loki touched my knee and we were now outside, thank god for teleportation. Pietro turning up a second later due to his speed. I tapped Pietros shoulder quickly and ran shouting tag. As I ran away It started raining. He got me back immediately and we continued to run after eachother.

Natasha pov
The film had just finished and I went to go hug y/n when I noticed she wasnt next to me. I looked around frantically trying to find her, only to find she is gone. I also noticed Pietro and loki gone. This can't be good.

"Guys, where is y/n loki and pietro" I said looking at everyone. All I got was 'oh no's ' and 'I will help look'. I made my way to the kitchen and it was empty. I noticed it raining and I went to admire it when I saw 3 people running in the rain. I watched for a brief moment and bucky walked in with wrappers in his hand. I knew she had consumed sugar. I was pissed. I was so mad but I knew I wouldnt stay mad for long, she was too cute. Even when she had her sugar rush, because she would always want affection or hugs.

Y/n pov

I was running in the rain carefree, completely soaked.
I stopped dead in my tracks. I knew who it was immediately. I slowly turned to loki and Pietro who had scared looks on their faces, they had also stopped running afraid of what was going to happen. I turned to my girlfriend standing at the end of the field with a face of thunder. I ran towards her, arms open embracing her in a hug, causing her to get drenched. I watched as she tried to stay mad but couldnt once I gave her a goofy smile. We ran in the rain before I started to get tired. I could tell she was happy as she was freezing cold already. We made our way into the compound and our floor leaving small puddles behind us as we walked. We took a shower and settled into bed and eventually fell asleep.

" I love you" I whispered

" I love you too, just dont eat sugar again" nat chuckled.

"I wont baby" nat kissed the crown of my head and I fell asleep. Her following soon after.

I hope this was okay guys let me know if it was okay or if you have any requests just comment. Have a good day :)

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