Natasha- tree house

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Y/n pov

I was sitting there zoned out, I couldnt focus on anything but her. My loud thoughts clouding my head making my vision blurry and head spin like I was drunk. I cant deal with this anymore, I blocked everything out I refuse to believe that she is gone. She saved me when I thought I couldnt be saved, just by being there for me she saved my life when I was at my lowest, and now she is gone. How am I going to cope. I locked my bedroom door and slid down the door tears threatening to spill from my eyes.

-time skip (4 months)-

I was with the team, the silence was deafening, no one wanting to talk in fear of upsetting someone. Eventually my dad turned on the radio to reduce the awkwardness. After a few minutes they played  'pierre by ryn weaver' making me zone out listening.

"Well done stark, I think you upset y/n" cap said to my dad.

*flash back*

I had just reconnected with my dad after a while and he said I could come and live in the compound with him. I danced around the kitchen with no current cares in the world and my earphones playing  'pierre by ryn weaver' so loud I cant even hear myself think. I dance around the kitchen slightly singing to myself while making food. Unfortunately I wasnt alone, I turn to face the fridge and catch a glimpse of red in the corner of my eye. I slowly close the fridge door to look at the absolutely beautiful girl smirking at me. I felt my face heat up with pure embarrassment.

" I was enjoying the show " she said with confidence and a smirk

I wanted the ground to swallow me whole. I could hear my heart in my head as I took the second earphone out to hear her better.

" um hi, I'm y/n stark who are you" I stuttered out

"Natasha romanoff"

As she stood closer for me to shake her hand that's when I noticed how gorgeous she really was, her smirk raising on her perfect pink lips and her little nose scrunch, and her eyes oh god her eyes. They were leaf green with little specs of brown in, as I looked at her I couldnt find one imperfection in her entire being. I took her hand in mine and shook it, her skin was soft and pale I was a little more tanned than she was. I thought it was adorable. I knew from that moment we were going to be really close, I just didnt realise how close.

*flashback end*

I make my way out of the room barely holding it together as the team give eachother concerned looks. I made my way to the end of the compound to the secret tree house me and Nat built 5 years ago together, we made sure none of the team knew so we could have our own space. I sat there inhaling her scent from the hoodie I had placed in here just for this occasion, I was so close to crying I couldnt hold it much longer. I just miss her so much.i cant believe she is gone.

"You better not cry, I dont like it when you cry"

I froze. I couldnt move, my head started pounding and my hands shaking. I am hallucinating great. I hugged the hoodie tighter. Step. Step. Step. Step, up the ladder.

" y/n?"

It was too familiar to me, I turned to meet the green eyes I fell in love with. My tears started falling and I launched myself into her arms, finally feeling home in the warmth of her embrace. I couldnt believe it. I couldnt breathe i was so happy.

"Baby breathe im here, I'm not going anywhere now, shhh its okay " she repeated till I calmed down.

After a while I calmed down still hugging her, not wanting her to leave again.

"They told me you died" I sobbed out, my voice breaking.

"I went to a HYDRA base, I was compromised. They faked my death and sent it to nick. They all believed it but I managed to escape. The others dont know I'm here yet, I had a feeling you would be here" she explained hugging me tighter.

I never wanted to let her go again, she was the love of my life and I couldn't believe she was back. I couldnt be happier. With out thinking....

"Marry me" I blurted out " I know I havent got a ring but I will get one, I love you so much and I cant loose you again, so natasha romanoff with you marry me" I spoke quickly falling over my words.

" of course i will marry you  y/n"

We sat there for hours talking and cuddling and never letting eachother go,  I was so content and I was going to marry the love of my life. I was whole again.

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