Wanda- Do it

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Y/n pov

I thought I was the only one left, I thought I was all alone. Then I found out wanda was still alive. I love her but never told her. We were inseparable from a young age, until now. There was 1 main difference between me and her now. We were on different sides. I worked for years, and I thought I had actually defeated HYDRA, turns out I was wrong and they took the person I love the most and turned them into a murderous puppet. I had powers including mind anything because of my link with the mind stone. It was a normal battle in New York til she showed up, we fought until I kicked her in the face and her mask flew off. I hesitated.

"Wanda?" I said confused

She looked at me like I spoke a unknown language " who the hell is wanda"

She ran away, I couldnt get her back. I had to find out more.

-time skip-

It had been 4 months, I tried to track her as best as I could. Nothing. There were a few unsolved murders with the same wepon but no one knew anything. I decided to talk to my best friend and she agreed to find something out for me.

" the winter soldier"

"What?" I questioned nervously hearing that name linked to thousands of murders.

" I said her code name is the winter soldier, no one believed she was real, that she was a ghost story. So did I for a while, I was on a mission, got in a car crash she shot out my tires, managed to save both of us and she was there. She was after the guy with me, so she shot him. Straight through me,Soviet slug, no rifling. Bye bye bikinis." Natasha chuckled the last bit while showing me the scar on her hip.

I looked at her in shock taking that all in. My phone went off, it was her. She was attacking  S.H.I.E.LD  and hijacked the 3 new motherships. I ran to the meeting room and picked up a comms. 3 disks placed next to eachother on the table. I speak in the comms and hear Maria tell me to get to each ship and place the disks in the slots, if all 3 are placed the satellites are disabled if not 3 million people will die. I get 2 done and go to the 3rd. I go to place the 3rd one in. Wanda is here. I turn around to face her.

" I dont want to fight you, please dont make me do this" I shout, looking into those beautiful blue eyes I fell in love with. Wanda looks conflicted? That's when it clicks, she isnt in control. Before I can react she throws a quick right hook and kicks my stomach. I fall back in pain, I cant bring myself to fight back, to hurt her. I push her away and go to place the 3rd disk in the slot. I hear a loud bang and look down, I feel a warm liquid running down my leg and my thigh pulsating. I just got shot great. I turn to wanda and did the one thing I promised I wouldnt do. I watched as the love of my life crumbled to her knees infront of me as I placed all our memories in her mind, she released a blood curdling scream in  pain making me stop, she hit the ground with a loud thud. " I must kill you, your my mission" she screamed. " finish it" I coughed out feeling myself bleed out from my leg slowly.I placed the 3rd disk in and completed the mission, noticing wanda passed out from the memories.I picked up an unconscious woman and took her back to the compound.

-time skip-

It had been a week since the fight. I'm guessing hundreds of memories makes someone tired. I sat with her everyday just talking unsure if she could hear me. Wanda slowly opened her eyes and started to panic immediately.

"Shhhh, wanda your safe love shhhh" I repeated until she noticed it was me and started to cry again.

" y/n? I thought you were dead, you died years ago I-I-I-"

" super soldier serum Wands, I'm still alive because I was frozen in ice for 70 years, what about you, you barely look older than when I last saw you"

"They used the super soldier serum on me and I was in HYDRA for years, the injected me with all of these random chemicals and made me into a murder machine, all they have to do is say some words" wanda said with regret and sadness in her voice.

" I mean I can um, I uh, I can remove it for you, the words and the memories." I asked cautiously

"Only if your okay with it, I want to live my life with you, no distractions , I love you y/n" wanda said with hope in her voice.

I froze, I loved her too so much. I never thought she could ever love me back. I couldn't concentrate then it hit me that i hadn't said it back.

"Okay I will and I love you too"

" I know"

"What" I questioned feeling my face heat up.

" your cute when your flustered and when you showed me your memories they were all from your perspective, I could feel the love you have towards me for years before you even knew you were gay"

" oh my god wanda I'm so sorry, imma do that thing now"

I got started and in a few seconds the memories and the command words were gone. I had wanda back and everything couldnt be better, until...

"Y/n will you be my girlfriend"

" yes of course wands"

She got into bed with me and cuddled up, I loved and felt so comfortable in the warmth she gave me physically and in my stomach. We both eventually fell asleep, content in eachothers arms.

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