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This story is between natasha and wanda. In this world you cant see the colour of your soulmates eyes, everything that colour is grey until you lock eyes with your soulmate or touch them.

Natasha pov

There were rumours in the red room. Soulmates was something we were trained to ignore. Love was for children and pathetic. All I saw was grey, the sky the sea and certain peoples eyes were grey. The other girls laughed at me, called me pathetic because I couldnt see the colour blue. Blue, that's the colour I'm missing. I'm still waiting for the day when I see blue, but I've given up. I have no time for love... right?

Wanda pov
I dont know what to do with myself. I have actually lost everything. Ultron took the last thing I had in life. I felt like the entire world was crashing down on me and I didnt know how to stop it. No matter how strong my powers were I couldnt help but feel weak. The avengers offered me and place to stay and a job. I was nervous to say the least, after the Ultron fight I thought they all hated me. Wanted me hurt or dead as revenge. Their boss nick fury has offered me a job as an avenger, I thought I was offered a job in shield but apparently not. I accepted the offer as I now had a place to stay and income. I went to the S.H.E.I.L.D headquarters and waited for nick fury to find me. Once he did we made our way to the compound and with every mile we drove closer to the avengers the more my leg bounced. I had always suffered with social anxiety but Pietro helped. Now he isnt here I'm having to do it on my own and that's proving to be a challenge. We got out of the slick black car and made our way inside the building.

N:  " jarvis, tell all the avengers I want them in the meeting room asap"

J:  " yes fury.... it is done sir"

We walked into the meeting room, fury told me to wait in the second room and come out when I was called on, I watched through the tinted window shadows filling through into the meeting room. I heard my que and walked out, and I felt uncomfortable immediately. All eyes were on me and I stared at the ground not wanting to look at anyone. Some gasped and some didnt react.

F:  " romanoff, show maximoff to her bedroom, its opposite yours"

N:  " yes sir" she said

Being too uncomfortable I left the room first and I refused to look up from the ground. We walked down 2 long corridors until we got to a grey door.

N:  " this is your room and mine is right there"

"Thank you" I mumbled looking up at the her door, I then looked at nat, then it suddenly hit me. We both stumbled back and fell to the ground. I recovered after nat and looked at her again, her eyes were a piercing green. I looked to my door it was a smooth mint green.

"Its you" I stuttered out

N:  " its you" she repeated with tears in her eyes. Nat embraced me in a hug so quick and so tight we nearly fell over and I couldnt breathe. I held her enjoying the warmth that radiated off the smaller woman. I dont know where the sudden confidence came from but I tilted her head and kissed her. Her soft plump lips were so gentle yet rough at the same time. They fit together like puzzle pieces. I forgot about everything in those 10 mins of first realising, throughout the hug and now. Before it could get heated it, I pulled away being too afraid as I am a virgin. I didnt want to sleep with anyone until I found my soulmate. I knew I was going to be happy with natasha and I just couldnt wait for the future, and neither could she.

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