Natasha-little pt 2

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Y/n pov
It had been about 9 and a half hours and nat was still asleep. I looked over to see her sleeping peacefully next to me. I took in that moment, she looked so peaceful and calm it made me relax almost instantly. She slowly stirred awake and her beautiful green eyes fluttered open.

N:  "Good morning mommy"

"Good morning baby,I have a question"

N:  " yes"

"have you ever thought about telling the team"

N:  " I cant, they judge mee🥺"

" okay baby, they wont judge you they will be supportive and if not I will kill each of them slowly. Would you think about telling them, not now but whenever your ready" i asked with a smile

N:  " otay mommy"

-time skip-

It had been about 4 months with nat being my baby and I'm loving it but I'm scared, I want the best possible out come for her and I feel like I'm doing it all wrong. All though she tells me I'm doing fine.

N:  "Mommy"

"yes honey"

N:  "tell team" she mumbled

" of course we can, do you want to do it all together or 1 by 1"

N:  " one"

"Okay honey, who first"

N:  "cwint"

"Jarvis where is clint"

J:  " he is in the training room y/n"

"Okay thank you jarvis"

J:  "my pleasure y/n"

I looked at nat and helped her get dressed. I started to walk out and held nats hand. We made our way to the training room and saw clint shooting is arrows towards the targets hitting bullseye everytime.

"Hey clint can we talk to you really quick"

C:  " yeah sure what's up guys"

" do you want to say or do you want me to" I asked looking at nat

N:  "You pwease"  she said in her little headspace

" well natasha is a little, she has been a while but was afraid of judgement to tell you" I said feeling nat hide behind my legs and whimper slightly

C:  " okay that's fine" *gets down on one knee* "hiya nat, I get off in a hour wanna go shopping or to the park" he said with a huge grin

N:  " otay" she said with a huge grin, squealing and hugging Clint.

"Jarvis where is tony"

J:  " in the lab with Bruce and vision"

"Thank you Jarvis "

We made our way down to the lab on the 3rd floor of the compound. As we walked in I felt nats hand grip tighter in mine, now becoming extremely nervous. We walked in after taking a minute breather and braced ourself.

" hey guys can we talk to you quickly" I said with a serious face And glaring at the boys to prove I was serious.

B:  " yeah what's up guys" Bruce said concerned

T:  " are you okay" Tony asked

"Everything is fine we just have something to tell you" *takes a breath while the guys listen patiently*  " natasha is a little, she was scared to tell you because she thought you would laugh and not accept her"

T:  " okay, hey nat, do you want this"  Tony asked handing nat a small toy robot, smiling while watching Nats face light up.

B:  " dont worry we accept you nat" he said hugging her gently and giving her a warm smile.

V:  " ah nat, I dont understand human emotions yet but I am okay with it too" vision says awkwardly trying to smile

"Thank you guys so much" I say as we begin to walk out. I look down towards the shorter girl and noticed the massive grin on her face.

"Jarvis,where is the rest of the team"

J:  " peter, wanda, steve, bucky and sam are in the kitchen eating lunch "

"Thank you jarvis "

J:  " your welcome y/n"

We make our way towards the kitchen and entered without saying anything. Wanda noticed us first.

W:  " hey guys are you okay"

"Yeah we just need to tell you something real quick"

B:  " go ahead doll"

" okay well nats a little"

They all look slightly shocked how the worlds deadliest assassin can be a little but accept it anyway.

S:  " okay, if there is anything we can help with let us know. If she needs babysitting or you need more of anything let us know" steve said with a smile.

P:  " I would love to babysit her too" chuckled excitedly

W:  " I clearly know more about it then they do" she chuckled  " how old is she" wanda asked looking at nat. Nat held up 2 fingers then switched to 3 and back to 2. Wanda cooed at how confused and adorable nat is.

No ones pov

All the team members accept natasha and have been so good with her when  she is in her headspace. They all bought her toys and took turns babysitting. When thor came from asgard we told him and he was over joyed. He even bought nat a baby hammer to play with. Nat still got all her work done and was a little at home. Everyone was so proud of her.

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