Wanda- are you jealous maximoff

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Y/n pov

I was dating wanda for 2 years and no one knew. We disagreed on whether to tell people or not. I wanted to tell everyone and let the world know she was mine and I was happy, wanda on the other hand wanted to keep it a secret, steve would class it as a distraction for the team and anyone against us would take the other person e.g wanda gets taken from me in trade for something knowing I would stop at nothing to get her back. Not even my best friend Natasha knew, being a trained spy she nearly found out once but me also being a trained spy I knew how to hide it. I was bored of hiding my relationship, so I decided to do something about it.

-time skip-

" hello y/n y/l/n" JARVIS, starks AI announced

"Hello JARVIS" I responded

"Stark has arranged a party at 8pm and you are invited, you must attend"

"Okay thank you JARVIS"

"No problem y/n y/l/n"

"Just call me y/n"

"Okay y/n"

I checked the time and saw it was 530pm, I decided to make myself food and work out before the party.

-time skip-

I had just finished training and went to have a shower to get ready for the party, it was now 7pm. I got showered and decided what to wear, I found this amazing black silk dress that came just under my ass and barely covered my tits. Perfect. I did my makeup and walked out of my room and to the party floor which was 3 floors below me. I walked in and the attention was immediately on me. I walked up to the bar and ordered a drink, just then realising the bartender was Nat.

"Hey y/n you look gorgeous, what would you like" she asked politely

" not too bad yourself and can I get 1 shot of tequila and a vodka and coke please"

"Staring off strong are we, I like that"

We spoke for a while about anything and everything taking more shots until I was slightly drunk.

" someone seems interested in you " Nat said in a sing song voice.

I turned to see my girlfriend staring at me and smiling, I waved and took another shot. That's when my favourite song came on and I rushed to the dance  floor.

Wanda pov

I watched as y/n took another shot before making her way to the dance floor. I talking to vision when I looked at y/n to see her dancing close to this girl, I havent seen her before but she was getting a bit close. I watched as she put her hands on my girlfriends waist and pulled her ass closer to her. I was about to go over but I kept it cool, I continued to talk to vis when I saw her whisper in the girlfriends ear and grab her hand to walk away.

Y/n pov

I have never met this girl in my life but she agreed to help me make wanda jealous. The girl who I knew to be Carol, whispered in my ear and grabbed my hand to walk away. When I saw the brunette hair of my girlfriend running towards me. She grabbed my waist and pulled my towards her.

" she is taken " wanda spat

" by who, I dont see her girlfriend " Carol played along

" I'm right here bitch " wanda spoke

Without a warning wanda pulled me into a kiss infront of the entire party, I was so caught up in it I forgot about everyone else. That was until she pulled away, I observed around us to see everyone and the avengers staring at us with shock, other than Nat who had a smirk on her face.

" if anyone touches my girlfriend again, I will kill you before you even get the chance to run " wanda shouted making me smile.

Wanda turned to face me " what you smiling at "

" you. Telling everyone your mine"

I watched as she blushed so I decided to make it worse.

" it was kind of hot" I whispered into her ear seductively.

Then she went an even darker shade of red. Before I knew it I was being dragged towards Wanda's room, her eyes were dark, I knew exactly where this was going.

-time skip-

We were both a panting mess, cuddled up in Wanda's bed. "Your mine and mine only, no one can touch you like that again" wanda said with confidence. I just chuckled and nodded my head before falling asleep in Wanda's warm embrace. I love this woman.

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