wanda- protective

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Tw: abuse angst and nearly r@pe but it's all fluff at the end

Y/n pov
I am late. I am late, oh no I am late. Before I wouldnt mind working late or locking up my work place. I loved my job, I worked at a cute little coffee shop about 15 minutes from my apartment. I was deep in thought thinking about what my boyfriend was going to do to me when I saw a hand infront of my face, I blinked a few times and realised my boss was talking to me. She said we can leave now and to get my stuff. I did as I was told and made sure the door was locked and made my way to my car.

-time jump-

I was home, actually no, I was where my apartment is, home is meant to be a safe comfortable place not a place your afraid of returning to. I slowly put my keys in the door and turned them as quietly as possible, the second the door opened I was smacked in the face with the scent of alcohol. He had been drinking again, oh no. I snuck my way to the kitchen and put my bag down, then I heard it. I look to my left and see my boyfriend stumbling his way towards me.

"Your late" he slurred

"I know I'm so sorry my boss wanted me to lock up work"

"No she didnt, you just went to sleep with other guys, didnt you slut?" he spat

"Of course not I wouldnt do that to you, I dont even talk to other guys"

"Bullshit, your mine and I'm going to prove it" he said with a smirk even satan would be afraid of, before punching me across the face.

I slowly backed towards the corner of the kitchen with tears in my eyes from the pain and anxiety I was experiencing. I watched as my boyfriend slowly crept towards me unbuttoning his pants.

"No please no, I cant do this again I dont want to"

"If your going to be a slut your going to get treated like one"

I resisted as much as I could but I was so tired I couldnt, he raised his hand and punched me a few more times before he had his way with me. I watched as his first raised for the last time and I closed my eyes waiting for the last blow before he was going to have sex with me. I opened my eyes to see my boyfriend with a shocked look on his face and red whisps encasing his closed fist. Suddenly his body got thrown across the kitchen into the wall 3 times till he got knocked out. Still in tears I felt a pair of arms wrap around me, I peaked my head up ever so slightly to see my best friend wanda, I knew she had powers but I never knew what they were. I opened my arms and hugged her tightly, loving the warmth her soft skin gave me. In reality I was in love with wanda, but I never wanted to ruin our friendship and when ever I tried to break up with my boyfriend he wouldnt let me and hit me for even  thinking about it.

"Shhh angel I'm here now, it's just me and you, your safe now"

I sobbed into her neck for a while longer before looking up into her soft blue eyes.

"How did you know?" I managed to stutter out

" I didnt, i came over to suprise you and I heard shouting and crying so I broke the door down, I'm sorry I didnt come sooner, he is gone now and I will always protect you love. Do you want to stay at mine tonight"

I gently nodded, wanda got me a glass of water and got up, 5 minutes later walked back with some clothes, essentials and her car keys and we walked out of my apartment together.

-time skip-

We are in Wanda's room in the compound, yes my best friend and crush is an avenger. She said I could sleep on her bed, as she went to walk out i swiftly grabbed her wrist and pulled her towards me.

"No, please stay, I dont want to be alone" I whispered barely audible

"Okay my love"

I watched as wanda came round to the other side of the bed and layed down next to me, I immediately cuddled closer to the girl. I could never admit it because I was too scared but I was so deeply in love with wanda. From her beautiful brown hair, to her soft ocean blue eyes, her smile that could light up NYC and the fact she was shorter than me. I am 5'8 and wanda is 5'7.  Or so I thought I couldnt tell her, with out thinking I blurted it out

" I love you wanda "
I froze, I didnt know what to do, my mind raced and I started to hyperventilate, suddenly I felt a hand on my chin pulls my head around and two soft lips hit mine, the butterflies i felt made me forget everything around me, everything that happend today. All I could focus on was her. I pulled away needing air and layed my head back on wandas chest.

" I love you too darling" she whispered while playing with my hair slowly, eventually we both drifted off and it was the best night sleep I had in months. I was finally home.

Well that's the end :)  if you can comment your thoughts about this it will really help me. I would love your opinions or requests, have an amazing day :)

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