Natasha- holiday

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Y/n pov
We were all sitting around the kitchen in the compound eating dinner. It was me, Natasha, wanda, vision, carol, pietro, cap, Bucky, bruce, tony, pepper, thor, loki, clint valkyrie sharon, Maria, and Jane. Wanda and vis made an amazing meal and they made alot of it knowing the amount of people and thors appetite. Everyone was having their own conversations until it eventually went quiet. That's when tony decided to pipe up.

TS:  " I really want to go on holiday, none of us have missions for another 2 weeks and carol and the asgardians dont have to leave for another 2 weeks"

TO:   " i think a holiday is a great idea mortals, I've never explored midguard before" thor boomed.

CB:   " Thor you dont have to shout and just say earth not midguard" clint chuckled.

There was argueing for a while and the girls discussing it at the end of the table while laughing about the boys stupidity. After a while we all agreed to go and Tony said he would pay for all of us, well he is a billionaire.

TS:   "right so where do you guys want to go"

There was a mix of answers. All the girls wanted to go to the Bahamas, cap, bruce, pietro and thor wanted to go to Disneyland and tony, vision, bucky, loki and clint wanted to go to universal studios. Because there was more votes for the Bahamas, we decided to go there. after dinner we all went back to our rooms and houses and packed our clothes for the flight the next morning. With tony being to rich and famous he managed to buy us villas and his private jet in 15 minutes. I was excited because me and natasha had never been on holiday together, we tried to but fury had at least one of us do missions.

-time skip-

It was now 430am and I woke up to the alarm. I looked to my right to see nat sleeping peacefully and in the most adorable way possible, she was wrapped up In a blanket like a human burrito and I couldnt help but admire her. For a deadly assassin she was a heavy sleeper.

"Babe" I whispered, i repeated until i got a    " mhmm  "   back and picked her up bridal style and took her into the bathroom of our apartment in the compound. I got warm water on a flannel and gently started wiping her face to wake her up. Once Nat had fully woken up, she double checked we had everything and made our way to the landing area outside where we saw everyone else and the jet infromt of them.

V:   " it appears you are late y/l/n and romanoff" vision said earning a couple laughs.

"Its 5 in the morning and we are only 5 mins late give us a break" I said tiredly. We made our way onto the jet and settled In our seats. I sat next to Nat and layed my head on her shoulder. Falling asleep almost instantly.

-time skip-

It was now 1130 am, we had just landed and everyone was starting to walk back. It was quiet while everyone grabbed their luggage until I heard shouting

SR:   " babe wake up, baby wake up. JAMES BUCKY BARNES WAKE UP OR IM LEAVING WITHOUT YOU" cap (Steve) said

I laughed so hard I had tears streaming down my face while holding onto nat for support so I didnt fall over. I looked up to see nat with tears In her eyes as she couldnt contain it anymore either. We both sat there laughing till we couldnt breathe and nearly passed out. We all got off the jet and got onto the coach that would take us to the hotel/villa. We got there and waited for instruction.

TS:   " right guys, this entire row is ours. You will be paired up with someone in your villa so be quiet.* he laughs and winks*              villa 0: y/n and natasha 1: wanda and vision 2: Pietro and clint 3: cap and bucky   4: carol and valkyrie 5: tony and pepper  6: Bruce and loki 7: thor and Jane 8: Maria and sharon. Go to your villas unpack or whatever and meet at the beach at 2pm" tony shouted. We all nodded In agreement and made our ways to our villas. Me and natasha walked in the door and both audibly gasped. It was beautiful. Baby blue walls and a soft white carpet. White bed sheets, a huge bathroom with a bath big enough for 3 people and beautiful oak wood furniture. A soft blue sofa placed in the corner of the room with  a bookshelf filled with books and a cute coffee table. There was a kitchen with a massive counter and the newest and most expensive cooking equipment I've ever seen. We noticed a sliding door and I followed nat, her hand still in mine dragging me close behind her. We made our way out of the door and noticed a cute fire pit with cut up logs already placed in it, a jacuzzi and one of the most beautiful views I have ever seen. You had the sun shining on the clear ocean water and the sand below. We went back inside and unpacked briefly before collapsing on the soft bed. I sat with natasha in my arms, smiling at eachother. I gave her a quick kiss and layed there for 30mins before we got ready. I wore a black, slight lacy bikini and natasha wore a white one piece because she was insecure of the scar on her hip.

" are you okay baby" I asked

NR:  " always babe, come on let's go, we are going to be late with meeting the others.... again" she chuckled. I followed nat outside to the beach to see only wanda and vision were there so far but I noticed bucky and cap walking hand in hand towards them too. After a while everyone pulled up and we walked closer to the beach front. Nat took out our towels and suncream and we helped eachother apply it while the boys walked to the ocean and Pietro ran there with his speed. I looked to natasha to admire her, her skin slowly turning brown, her short red hair sprawled out onto the towel and sand. I thought she looked so peaceful. So I decided to ruin that. Grabbing her arm and pulling her to stand up I smirked at her, dragging her to the water and diving straight in. As we both rose from the water nat splashed my face with water while laughing until I got her back which turned into a massive water fight between us, the boys and eventually everyone from the sand came and joined. After a while the whole team returned to the sand and eventually the villas.

NR:  " you realise I'm going to get you back for splashing water in my face" she said with a smirk pushing me onto the bed and straddling me. I flipped us over and kissed her passionately. I made my way down her jawline and her neck. She broke the kiss and removed my shirt and hers and returned to the kiss. I took both our trousers off and placed gentle kisses to her thighs teasing her as I did so. I went back up and removed her bra creating marks on her boobs, so everyone knew she was mine. Hearing her moan softly.

-time skip-

We woke up in eachothers arms and decided to get dressed for the day. We  made our way to breakfast at Wanda's villa next door. As we walked in everyone was talking until it suddenly went quiet, no one made eye contact with us.

"Good morning guys, are you okay"

WM:  " yes we are good, I'm suprised your walking nat"

NR:  "What do you mean"

TS:   " faster y/n, oh my dont stop" tomt repeated in a high pitched voice laughing in the process, earning a slap from pepper and a sorry.

I felt my cheeks heat up immediately and looked to nat who was smirking to hide her blush. We sat down in silence and ate our food while the team laughed and took the piss the whole time. This is going to be a LONG holiday

Sorry I missed a post, have a good day guys :)

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