Wanda- wicked hallucinations

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Wanda pov

I had lost my parents in sokovia. All I had left was Pietro. We decided to get our own back and work with hydra. What we didnt know was what they had planned for us. I got my powers from the mind stone, and Pietro got his speed. I was the only one that got brain washed though, all they had to say was 3 words and I was their puppet.

-time skip-

It had been about 3 years since my time with HYDRA, me and pietro actually work with the avengers now rather than hating them. Tony I still dont trust but the others I do. I even got really close with one, y/n. I dont know what drew me to her so much, It could be the long brown hair, or the brown eyes or her innocence. I had fallen hopelessly and stupidly in love with her.

"Hey baby, I got snacks" y/n said in the most adorable way possible.

"Hi, thank you, you chose the film love" I cooed watching her nose scrunch with  egarness and she knelt on the bed to lay down. Just as we were about to start.

F:   *static*  " y/l/n and maximoff have been requested to the meeting room please"

We made our way towards the meeting room and opened the door, noticing we were the only ones there yet. We made our way inside and heard a loud bang. The door. I turned to face him, one of the hydra agents to brain washed me.

"No" I said, my voice breaking slightly

A:  " ah hello miss maximoff, did you miss me. It's been a while hasnt it" the agent said with a smirk.

Y:  " what's going on here" y/n said with a mix of confusion and agitation spread across her face.

A:  " well y/n, I'm going to make your lovely girlfriend disappear " I knew exactly what he meant but y/n was still confused.

Y:  " you touch her and I will kill you on the spot"

A:  " it's a good thing I dont have to touch her to do it. Get ready for your worst nightmares y/n" he said with a smirk.

" please dont do this"


I fell to my knees, feeling the growing pain in my head and my heart race increase to an inhuman pace.

"STOP" I screamed out.

A:  "control"

Y/n pov

I watched in horror as my girlfriend fell to her knees clutching her head in pain while this man shouted words at her. I began fighting the man while he continued to talk, hearing Wanda's blood curling screams only making me fight harder.

A:  "soldier"

W:  " Y/n runn, NOOOOOO" wanda screamed out. Suddenly she stood up straight. Too straight. Normally she slouches slightly, this wasnt wanda. Not my wanda.

A:   " manipulate the avengers mind "

W:   " main target?" My girlfriend spoke in an almost robot like voice.

A:   "y/n y/l/n"

With a nod she faced me. The face I love looked back at me with no emotion, her eyes look conflicted. She was still in there.

" fight it baby, please. Dont do this"

With a flick of her wrist, I was back there. The night my family died, except I was behind a glass wall. I couldnt help them. I watched as my mum and dad collapsed to the floor gasping for air, grabbing their throats begging for oxygen. I banged on the glass shouted for this to stop and for everything to be okay again. I look to my right to see my older brother cradling my baby sister trying to ignore what's happening, I watch as he coughs up blood into his hand. I caused this. I let my powers get out of hand when I found out my parents where having a divorce. I watched them die infront of me again, and again and again until finally I woke up to see I was slumped against the wall, tears down my  and my girlfriend face infront of me sobbing uncontrollably.

W:   " y/n,  y/n I'm so sorry princess. I didnt mean it. I had no control. I dont know how to get those command works out of my head. They have to say 3 words and I become a soldier, a weapon that only listens to them. I'm so sorry I didnt mean to hurt you, if you want to break up I understand I'm so sorry I really am i-

I cut her off by kissing her. While I was still shaken up by what I had seen. I could tell she felt awful and she wasnt going to stop rambling any time soon. If she didnt shut up then she was going to pass out from the lack of breathing and the extensive sobbing and apologising.

"Its okay I know you didnt do it on purpose. But please never do that again" I pleaded. That's when I remembered, I looked behind wanda to see the agent from before dead and sprawled on the ground. Natasha dragging away his dead body.

"How did you snap out of it, the command he used"

W:  " seeing you cry like that, defenceless and without me protecting you, it broke me and I mean literally, it broke the trance and at the same time nat came In and snapped the agents neck" She sobbed out slowing down her breathing ever so slightly.

"Baby I forgive you, now lets go to bed and sleep it off" I said needing to distract myself from what I just saw. We layed in bed and cuddled for hours. We both knew we wernt going to sleep any time soon, me for the memory of my family and wanda for the guilt of what she had done. The film consisted of forehead kisses and wanda quietly apologising every 10 minutes and I love yous. I treasured those words more than she would ever realise. For a while I even forgot what happend. Until I did forget. Wands erased those memories from my mind, which I was grateful for. I love this woman, I'm going to marry her one day.

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