Natasha- little friend

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Background: In this world at 18 years old everyone has to take a test. It determines if you are a little or a caregiver (mom) ,the tests are never wrong but some people dont like their results.

Y/n pov
It had been a year since I had joined the avengers. I was welcomed by everyone and I felt so comfortable around everyone and considered them a family. Other than 1 person, Nastasha Romanoff. She never liked me and I couldn't figure out why. She would always go her hardest against me in training just to hurt me, would always stare at me or flat out leave the room when I came in, I felt a strong connection to her and I dont know why. Natasha is the worlds most deadly assassin, but I have a feeling she is really kind and sweet but she doesnt open up. Dinner had just finished and we all went back to our rooms, I wasnt tired at all, netflix it is. I took a shower and loaded up one of my favourite films.

-time skip-

The film had now finished and I watched 2 more after, it was now about 2am. I went to change to the last film, while it was loading and the room was temporarily silent I could hear sobbing. The only other person on the floor was Nastasha because wanda was in visions room and carol was in valkyries room. I paused the movie when is started playing, I got up and  opened white bedroom door to reveal the light blue hallway and black carpet. The sound got louder but it sounded like whimpering and sniffing now. I made my way to the door oppersite mine and lightly knocked.

"Natasha ?" I whispered. I got no answer so I knocked a little harder this time, still no answer.

"I'm coming in so if your not decent you have 5 seconds" I said knowing she could hear me. I waited and slowly and carefully opened the door. It was dark I couldnt see much but after my eyes adjusted I could see a little ball in the bed. I made my way over and gently sat on the bed, I lifted up the duvet to see Nat sobbing but still asleep. I straightened her out into a more comfortable position and layed next to her. I carefully wrapped my arms around her and she eventually relaxed and stopped whimpering. I fell asleep shortly after.

-time skip-

I woke up to someone hitting me and pushing me out of a bed. It was Natasha.

" get the fuck out of my room " she shouted.

" okay jeez give me a second " I spoke my voice still croaky from just waking up.

" why are you in here anyway , what is wrong with you " she spat

" you were crying and you only calmed down when I hugged you, I didnt wanna leave you crying alone. I know you dont like me, you have made that clear. But I do care about you nat, you hate me I get it but if you need me, I'm here because I care about you" I spoke with sadness, looking down at the ground. I walked out before I could hear the response.

Nat pov

What? I dont hate her. I couldnt hate her, she is beautiful and kind and so funny. She brightens everyones day. I'm just scared to open up, she says she cares but she will judge the real me, I just know it. I didnt realise I was crying last night, but how did she calm me down. No one has ever been able to do that? Ugh my head is so confused rn. I have to apologise. Oh no I can feel myself slipping into my headspace, no ignore it I have training. I thought to myself.

Y/n pov

I went back to my room, took a shower and got ready for training. I made my way down to the gyms and saw everyone there.

"Morning y/n, your with me for cardio, bucky for hand to hand combat and Clint for practicing your aim" cap said with a massive smile on his face.

" cool, let's get started then" I said with confidence knowing I was better than all 3.

-time skip-

I had just finished training and took another shower. I just got out when I got a notification.

" hello y/n y/l/n" starks AI spoke

"Hey jarvis what's up, and just call me y/n"

"Of course, y/n. Natasha has requested you go to see her in her room"

" can you tell her I will be over shortly I have a something to do first" I asked

" of course"

"Cheers jarvis"

I went to the kitchen to make myself some lunch and settled on a salad and a fruit smoothie. After I had finished I made my way to Natasha's room. I knocked but there was no answer.

" jarvis where is romanoff"

" romanoff is in her room y/n"

" okay thank you"

I opened the door slowly revealing natasha with a colouring book and a box of kids toys next to her, also a medium sized elephant toy in her arms. When natasha heard the door open she looked at me with wide eyes.

" get out, get out get out get out get out get out get out get the fuck out of my room y/n" nat screamed tears threatening to spill from her eyes. Pushing me towards the door.

" nat... are you a little" I cautiously and quietly asked. She just looked down in shame fully sobbing now.

"Nat I'm not going to judge you, in fact I'm proud of you" I smiled at her and for once I got one back. "Have you got a mom?" She shook her head no. " do you want one?" I whispered thinking she couldnt hear me.

"Would you be my mom" nat questioned with puppy dog eyes. I always wanted to have a baby and be a care giver but didnt know how to go about it.

" of course honey" I opened my arms and saw nat quickly get up and run into my arms sobbing. I whispered sweet nothings in her ear. I just got a baby, no one was going to hurt her ever. I know she is a deadly assassin but in her headspace, no one will ever hurt her. We watched tv and coloured for hours after.

Hi guys
I'm sorry this was so bad, let me know if you want a part 2, comment if u do or dont want it.Have a good day :)

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