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Y/n pov
I just woke up and I can already tell  today is going to be awful, I got a grand total of 2 hours sleep. More than the night before I guess. I rolled out of bed and checked my phone, of course no one had checked up on me. I caught a glimpse of the time. Shit my alarm didnt go off, I raced to the bathroom put my hair in a high pony tail and changed into gym wear. I legged it to the training room to see natasha standing there with her arms crossed against her chest, stern look on her face. I gulped down the fear and walked closer.

N:  " your late y/l/n"

"I know I'm sorry natasha, my alarm didnt go off"

N:  " we are going to do 1 hour of cardio and because you were late 2 hours of sparing"

"What really, you know what. Fine" I grumbled and trudged my way to the treadmill. I put my earphones in and started a slow jog.

Wanda pov

I was across the training room practicing my powers lifting chairs and dodging rubber bullets when I saw y/n rush in. I have always had a liking to the girl, not that she will ever know of course. She was beautiful and so kind. But everyone took that and used it to their advantages for their own personal  gain. I was the only person who played attention to the brunette. She was looking herself, every day the bags under her eyes became bigger, she started turning up later to places and I'm sure when I pass I can hear sobbing coming from her door at night.

"Oi sis, stop staring" Pietro said with a small smirk tugging his lips

"Shut up, I was not" I retorted back throwing a chair at the taller man. Of course he dodged it with his super speed. We continued our training for the day until Cap said we could finish. As we all finished and went to leave I noticed y/n still doing cardio.

"Hey y/n cap said we can leave" I shouted to the girl jogging on the treadmill

"I have to do 1 hour of cardio, I did 2 hours of sparring because I was late, nats rules. Dont worry doll I will see you later"

My cheeks burnt red at the nickname, I dont think she knows that she does to me. I ignored the butterflies in my stomach and smiled. "Well when your done, you want to watch a movie in my room with me?" I asked barely loud enough for her to hear me. Unfortunately she did.

"Sure gorgeous, let me shower and change once I finish this" she said with a wink.

I blushed again and nodded before leaving the room.

-1 hour later-

I set up fairy lights,blankets and snacks.  I layed down and let out a breathe I didnt know I was holding. I looked at my phone and y/n still hadnt turned up, I really thought she would. Some how I fell asleep.

Y/n pov

I was so excited to go see wanda. I always liked her, how can I not she is beautiful and shy and cute. But she never seemed to get my hints and I dont even know if she likes women let alone me. My heart pounded in my chest as I walked to her door, I knocked and got no answer. I knocked again. Nothing. I put my ear to the door and heard a soft snoring come from inside. I gently opened the door and my heart melted at the site, it was Disney plus on the tv, fairy lights placed above the bed and snacks everywhere. But most importantly and sleeping wanda giving the most adorable soft snores as she slept. Wanda looked to peaceful I couldnt help admire how every couple of snores her nose would twitch ever so slightly. I got into bed and turned on the tv waiting for wanda to wake up. Eventually I fell asleep too.

Wanda pov

I woke up still upset abt the whole y/n thing. I got up as my alarm went off that's when it clicked. I looked down to see an arm wrapped tightly around my waist. I looked to my left to see y/n face down on the bed fast asleep. I felt my face heat up as I realised she stayed the night and stayed in the same bed. I never took her for a cuddler. As I moved she woke up confused at where she was before it clicked.

Hi guys, I know it's been ages I'm sorry. I will do a part 2 asap for this. Have a good day :)

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