Wanda+Nat- the mistake

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This is going to be a long one so I'm sorry if you dont like long ones.

Y/n pov

I felt awful, I was so conflicted in my own head during a mission Peter got hurt, yes he only got kicked in the stomach but I shouldn't have been off topic on any mission. He could have got hurt worse and it would have been all my fault. I was conflicted about who I like, most of my life I have kept myself to myself because when I share, when I let people in they throw it back in my face and laugh. The truth is I'm a lesbian, I told my parents after 2 years and I got kicked out, I was 11 years old, I had no where to go so decided to go to my best friends house. She called me a mistake and that I was going to hell for being gay, I have never dated or slept with anyone in fear of getting judged. Fear controlled me. That's when HYDRA found me.

I decided to join the avengers after leaving HYDRA, I became their new lab rat, but threw me out because I was "broken" when in reality everything they did worked. I had all the same powers as wanda, or so I thought. I had feelings for both the girls.

Wanda was gorgeous, her long light brown wavy hair and her sky blue eyes. She was kind and kinda shy which I found adorable. Around the team she was quiet and cornered, but around me and natasha she was out going and hilarious. I could listen to her laugh on repeat for hours, I immediately smile without noticing when she laughs. I'm not to sure if she is attracted to girls but she is quite flirty too.

Natasha on the other hand was the opposite, she was loud sometimes and constantly made sarcastic remarks. She was the one everyone was afraid of but with you and wanda she was kind and even smiled. Natasha was beautiful, she had short straight hair that was the colour of fire, her green eyes that reminded you of spring with specs of brown in. You wasnt sure if she was attracted to girls either.

Your problem was you couldnt pick between the girls, even if you did you were too terrified to say anything because of your anxiety. It was 630 am when you woke up, you had training with the team in a 30 mins, shit. Your quickly got up and raced to the bathroom and took a shower, your dried your hair tied it up and got dressed in a black sports bra and black leggings. You checked the time it was 7:03, FUCK your shouted and raced to the elevator in the compound and ran to the gyms.

"Your late" natasha said slightly mad

" I know I'm so sorry I woke up late and raced here" you panted trying to catch your breath. *god she is hot when she is mad* you said to yourself in your head, you heard wanda laughing and turned around to see her looking straight at you. You thought nothing about it and decided to ignore it and turn back to Nat, but she had a smirk on her face. You were so confused but decided to walk over to the treadmill and put your music in.

No ones pov

What really happend was wanda read your mind and though what you said was cute, she told natasha what you had said in her mind.

Wanda pov

It hurt me knowing that y/n felt like that and towards natasha and not for me but I understand why, look at her she is beautiful, wait wanda no stop. I know that I like both the women but I know y/n hasnt come out and I dont want to hurt either of them. That was until I heard a complement, it was y/ns voice so it was her thoughts. * God I could rip those leggings off her right now, I dont care who sees*. I went to mentally throw up but i saw y/n in the corner of my eye staring at.....me. I looked at her and she immediately went so RED and turned around. She doesnt know I can read minds so that makes it worse. I knew natasha had slight feelings for both of us from what I heard come from her * they are both so hot*

Y/n pov

Shit shit shit shit shit shit, she saw me stare at her ass, well I'm dead. Just went I thought it wouldnt get worse we stopped training and I saw wanda make her way over to me. I thought she bent over to pick something up behind me so I continued to drink some water.

" I can read minds babygirl" she seductively whispered to me.

I spat my water out dragging all attention to me, wanda had a smirk on her face while I felt mine drop and heat up in embarrassment and panic. I ran out of the room ignoring everyones protests. When I got to my room all I could think about was the 2 sexy women down stairs. I took a shower to distract myself but it didnt work. I got to my bed and moved my towel, I placed my hand between my legs and my other arms wrist in between my teeth to muffle my moans. I finished soon after and looked up to see the 2 women who I was thinking about during, staring at me with a smirk. I felt so embarrassed I went to leave even though it was my room and I was in just a towel.i got thrown back onto the bed, I looked at my wrists to see red?

"Oh no, it looks like we missed out on all the fun" Natasha said, her russian accent slipping through

"It seems we did, our turn now babygirl" Wanda's sokovian accent becoming more thick as she spoke

-time skip-  (I'm sorry I'm not writing a smut😂)

Natasha pov

I was the first one to wake up, I looked to my left to see the most beautiful girls I have ever seen asleep looking so peaceful, light snores from both and bed hair. I sat there admiring for a while until wanda woke up too.

" good morning beautiful " i husked

"Good morning" wanda mumbled still half asleep

" can we talk for a second"

"Yes of course" wanda confirmed

" look, I really like you, alot but i really like y/n alot and i dont want either of you to get hurt "

" I get that, have you ever considered a.. you know well..... a...."

"3 way relationship?" I finished her sentence

"Yeah, I mean I like you both too its just y/ns decision now" wanda said nervously

" okay, let's wait for her to wake up so we can ask her out, if she needs time that's okay too"

" yes of course"

-time skip-

Y/n pov

I woke up to the 2 girls I couldnt forget either side of me, I kept my eyes closed a little longer because I wanted to listen but all I heard was 'yes of course' until it hit me. Not literally hit me. I opened my eyes to see both the girls on their knees on the bed with pillows in their hands while laughing. After a few minutes they both looked at me with serious faces.

" we want to talk to you "

I felt my heart rate rise so much I could hear it and feel it in my head. They must have noticed.

"Its nothing bad dont worry moya lyubov" natasha said in russian

" we were wondering if you wanted to date us, both of us, like a 3 way  relationship. You dont have to say yes it's just a thought I get it if...."

"Yes" I said

"What?!" The both said in unison

"I said yes"  I repeated trying to not laugh

"Would you like to think about your answer, if you need time we are willing to wait"

" I am sure" I repeated

I'm going to have to make a part 2 because this is such a long story, I will post pt 2 tomorrow. I am sorry if the Russian is wrong btw that's what came up in google translate. Have a good day guys :)

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