wanda- anniversary

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Hello, please can you let me know if I'm doing this okay or if I need to change anything or just stop in general because its awful. Thank you and have a good day :)
P.s sorry its long

Wanda pov:

I'm standing in the kitchen talking to Pietro and Carol, it's my and y/ns 2 year  anniversary in a week and I want to propose to her. I know exactly how i want to do this but it's getting it past y/n without her noticing that's going to be hard.

"You should get fury to send y/n on a fake stakeout "mission" so you can set up, or get fury to send you on a "mission" and you just set up whatever you need to, if course us two will know what's really going on but she wont" Carol suggested

"Yeah I agree with Carol, if you want I can come with you on the *mission* and help you get everything sorted in time, where would you like to do it?" Pietro said

I decided to do it at the beach as it was y/ns favourite place to go as a kid growing up, it also happens to be the place we first met, which she wont let me forget .

*flash back 2 years ago*

I was walking across the beach with a tray of food in my hand for me and some of the avengers, as some of us didnt have a mission or any mission reports to do we decided to take a day out somewhere and cap chose the beach. I was so concentrated on not dropping the tray or spilling the food , a kid runs full speed at me and I didnt notice, next minute im on the sand back facing down and food everywhere. After a few seconds I hear someone calling someone's name and they rush over to me.

"Oh my god! Are you okay, are you hurt at all?"

I look up to see the most beautiful girl I have ever seen, long brunette hair with red streaks in (similar to my powers) and bright blue eyes that became the same colour as the ocean in the right light. I cant help but admire her, well so I thought but in reality I was staring.

" yes I'm okay, just have to go get more food " I manage to stutter out becoming flustered by the godess in front of me

"Oh I'm so sorry love, look I can come with you and pay for it, my name is y/n y/l/n, *faces child* go to your mum okay I will be over soon, dont bump into anyone else" she laughs, oh my god that laugh made me forget I was even on the ground.

"Of course auntie, I'm so sorry" the kid pouts talking to me

"Its okay dont worry about it kid" I tell him.
"also my name is wanda maximoff but just call me wanda" I say with a smile towards y/n

"Cute name for a cute lass, you gonna get up to get more food or you going to lie down all day?" She chuckled

I felt my face go immediately red, I was unsure if it was the complement or the fact I was still laying on the sand like a dumbass. I got up and nodded not trusting my voice to be at it's normal pitch and to not stutter. We slowly walked over to the food counter and I learned that the beach was her favourite place growing up, we ordered, I paid even thought she tried to,and she helped carry them over to the rest and her eyes nearly came out of her head.

"Your the avengers!" Y/n said with a slight squeal

"That we are" Pietro laughed

" well it was nice to meet you guys but I have to go now, enjoy your day and wanda *hands a note*  here :)"

I graciously take the note and say good bye.  when the others arnt looking I open it to see "your cute, i dont know if you even like girls but if you do or just wanna be friends call me :)" with her phone number listed. When i stop day dreaming i realise I'm still covered in food and sand from before, god I'm such an idiot.

*end of flash back*

Time jump
Y/n pov:

I wake up to a cold bed much to my disappointment, I look around and see a note on the bed-side table and see its addressed to me

" good morning baby, I have to go on a mission for a few hours today, I told fury to not give us missions but he didnt listen, I will be home very soon, happy 2 year anniversary and I love you

I sighed to myself and layed in bed for a while before deciding to go shower, I do  so and train after for about 2 hours. It is now 3pm and I'm starting to wonder when wanda is getting back, as if on queue my girlfriend walks through the door with a silly smile on her face, I fall for that smile everytime. I'm making lunch and she comes up behind me and  snakes her arm around my waist.

"Good afternoon angel how was the misson"

" it was boring and dull, no point going on it, stupid stakeout" she rants

"Oh well I can make you lunch?"

"Actually no thank you babe, and your not eating either" wanda states

"Um why of course I'm eating, why can't I eat?"

"Fine you can eat but not too much, and get dressed nice but comfy at 5pm I'm taking you out to dinner "

"Okay bubs I love you"

"I love you too"

And with saying that wanda swiftly walks out of the kitchen.

Wanda's pov:

I just managed to distract y/n long enough for Pietro to bring the engagement ring bag and other things to his room, if take them to mine y/n will see them instantly as we share a room. I start getting ready and decide to wear a knee high, v cut red dress. After getting ready I check the time and its 4:55pm. I make my way over to our shared bedroom and see y/n standing making sure she has got everything, god she is adorable. As we leave we take tonys most expensive car and I text Pietro to go to the beach to set it all up. After about 30 mins of driving we get to a fancy restaurant, we both order food and wine and talk for a hour, but it only feels like 10 mins. I pay, much to y/n disagreement because she wanted to pay. We get in the car and drive off.

"Thank you for tonight baby, I really appreciate it love"

That nickname makes me melt everytime because it reminds me of when I first met her. "Oh it's not over yet, I have 1 more thing"

"I can tell, the compound is the other direction" she laughes

I pull over once I think we are close enough and take out the blind fold from the glove compartment and tie it around y/ns eyes so she cant see. After 20 minutes of driving we get to the beach, its perfect. I text Pietro and thank you before helping y/n out of the car. I walk her towards the sand and tell her to take the blindfold off. She does so and as y/n takes in the slight around her, the blanket the strawberry and chocolate and wine and the fairylights, she turns around to face me ready to say thank you, but looks down to see me on one knee holding out the perfect ring.

" the perfect ring for the perfect girl, y/n I love you so much I cant even begin to explain, from the first day that I saw you, and waking up almost every morning with you in my arms made me realise I dont ever want this to stop, so y/n y/l/n, will you marry me"

No ones pov:

With tears in both the girls eyes y/n accepts Wanda's offer and hugs her tightly sobbing into her shoulder, the 2 girls here clapping and all the avengers come out from hiding, they all congratulate the girls and leave one by one and they finish the wine and deserts placed for them before heading home. Not as a couple but now as  engaged.

Hi, I hope you enjoyed it, I'm sorry it's long. Can you please leave some feed back or suggestions, I would really appreciate it. Have a good day :)

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