wanda- accident

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Hey guys I just wanted to say thank you so much for reading and I'm sorry for leaving it so long to update. I've been dealing with stuff and I needed to take a break. I hope all of you are doing good :)

Y/n pov

My throat hurt and my eyes stung with every clear, salty tear that fell from my bloodshot eye. I screamed, I cried, I begged and she wasnt having it. See I am in a relationship with wanda maximoff, i am not an avenger but i stay at the tower with wanda in her room. So when I got home from a long day of work, I wasnt expecting to see a big purple easy bake oven try and kiss my girlfriend.




"only because you saw me standing there" I whispered tired of shouting.

W:  " I cant deal with this y/n, not today. If your gonna be jealous go be it somewhere else. I'm not dealing with your clingyness rn" she said coldly

"W-what" I stuttered out

"I CANT DEAL WITH YOU Y/N, YOUR SO CLINGY AND ANNOYING, ITS LIKE HAVING A SIX YEAR OLD FOLLOW ME AROUND CONSTANTLY.  Your untidy, your clothes are everywhere. Your always flirting with nat when you think I'm not there. You always leave your shoes in the way of the door or the bed or somewhere in the way. Your food is shit and makes me want to throw up. You never give me space in bed, I just want to go to sleep comfy and I cant when you literally smother me and take up 3 quarters of the bed. You are so fucking annoying i cant deal with it anymore..." she breathed out whispering the last bit.

"well I guess I will get out of your way then, I will be out of here by the end of the month. I love you Wanda, I always will"

W:  "mhm"

I picked up my keys jacket and helmet and went down to the compound garage and sat on my motor bike, I turned it on hearing the engine roar. I didnt have a place in mind I just kept driving. I stopped at a red light and waited for it to turn green. As it did I started to drive off and it all went black.

Wanda pov

I was too harsh, I told y/n all the things I dont like about her to her face in anger. It's not even that I dont like them, I love them. How clingy she is, how hard she works that she is so tired when she gets home and forgets where she leaves everything. But her tired face is too cute to handle. Her food isnt terrible in fact it's better then my cooking and my clothes are everywhere too. Maybe I should apologise when she gets back. I shouldn't have said those things and I love her too much to let her go. Until then I'm gonna watch tv. As i turn the tv the first channel is boring, so i flick through them all until i get to the news, only stopping because i saw commotion.

"Drunk driver hits girl on motorbike, currently 2 dead and 1 critically injured "

I looked closer and recognised y/n's bike, it was the black gold and purple bike tony had bought her for Christmas last year. No this cant be real, she us fine right. As I'm watching I hear a knock at the door. Too shocked to move I use my powers to open it and see nat and steve standing in the door way with sad smiles plastered on there face.

W:  "it's all my fault" I sob

N:  " no it's not wanda, she is alive but in critical condition. She is going in for surgery now, she has internal bleeding and a punctured lung. She will be fine but it's not your fault" nat says while embracing me in a very much needed hug.

S:  " do you want me to take you to the hospital ?"

I nod and make my way out of the room and towards Steve's old car. All 3 of us get in and make our way to the hospital. Steve and nat were trying to talk to me but I just couldnt focus, I zoned out watching the street lights pass by in a blur. We made it and I sprinted out of the car not even bothering to shut the door.

W:  " hi um I'm looking for y/n y/l/n"

D:  " what are you to this patient "

W:  " I'm her girlfriend "

D:  " she is in room 12B in surgery, you can see her when she gets out, she wont be awake but you can see her."

W:  " thank you so much"

As I saw steve and nat come through the entrance doors I got their attention and walked straight up to y/n's room floor and sat in the waiting area. I couldnt breathe, it felt like I had this huge amount on weight on my chest. My knee was bouncing. I was so lost in thought I didnt hear when the nurse came out until I felt someone tap my shoulder.

N:  " wanda maximoff?"

W:  "y-yes?" I stuttered out

N:  " the surgery went fine, it was successful however. It's going to take a long time for her to heal properly. Maybe 3 months maybe more, she will wake in a few days"

W:  " thank you, can I see her. Where is she "

N:  " down the hall, on the left" she said with a warm smile.

W:  " thank you"

-time skip-

Y/n pov

I woke up in a dim lit room, I try to remember what happend, lost in thought until I hear a little snore. I look down to see wanda curled up, she looks like she hasnt slept in 2 days minimum.
As much as I want her to sleep, I need answers. I gently nudge her and hear her mumble something. I nudge her again and she wakes up slowly. Just then she shoots up out of bed, with tears forming in her eyes she hugs me tighter than ever before. I hug her back enjoying the warmth she is emitting and the smell of her coconut shampoo and her in general.

Y:  " baby what happend"

W:  " we argued and you left, you got hit by some drunk drivers and it's all my fault. I'm so sorry I love you so much"

Y:   " hey, hey calm down. Look at me, I am still here. I am alive and I'm never leaving you okay"

W:  " Okay" she sniffles

We stay like that for a few hours until we both fall asleep again. Both happy the other one is okay, and closer than ever.

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