Wanda- jealousy

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Tw swearing

Y/n pov
I have my amazing girlfriend. Long brown hair and bright blue eyes that you could get lost in. Until they turned a devil like red. This only happend on missions. Or when my best friend was around. I love wanda, I couldnt begin to explain how much I am in love with that girl, but she gets really jealous and i never could work out why.

My best friend was carol, she was cocky and had the same humour as me and i could drink more than her so i had alot of pride in that. I always saw her as my best friend and nothing more. She wasnt on this planet alot of the time and when she was we hung out ALOT, I admit that I should have spent more time with wanda but carol had been gone so long so I thought she would be okay with it. Carol was always a little close and touchy but I thought it was just a best friend thing.

I was walking through the compound when I heard alot of noise from the kitchen. I thought it was just steve and Tony arguing again so I braced myself and walked in. I saw the familiar blonde of my best friend and immediately locked eyes with her. We ran into eachothers arms holding on and collapsing to the ground. It had been 1 year since I saw carol last so this was a suprise and a good one at that. We both chuckled at falling over and I said I would be back and made my way to kitchen. I came back with our favourite snacks once the others had left the room. We put on our favourite film and started watching it.

Wanda pov

I was sitting reading my book waiting for y/n to get back. She only went for a drink and it's been 15 minutes. I made my way towards the kitchen only to hear a familiar laughter. It made my heart melt, its was y/ns. That's when I heard an obnoxious loud laugh too, carol was here. Truth is I never liked carol. I knew the truth but y/n was too blind to see it. I walked into the room and walked straight up to y/n.

"Hey baby" I said seductively and kissed her, deepening it almost instantly to make carol uncomfortable.
"Carol" I nodded and walked out the room. I turned back to see my gorgeous girlfriend all red and flustered trying to hide a smile on her face. I walked out.

Y/n pov

After wanda just did that I was a mess, I couldnt breathe. I was blushing so much. I looked to see carol with an angry face? She should be glad I'm happy. I watched as a angry carol got up from the sofa and walked out the door towards my girlfriend who just walked out. This isnt good.

C:   "what is your fucking problem" carol spat at my girlfriend

W:   "what can I not give my girlfriend affection infront of you" she scoffed

C:   " not right infront of me its disgusting "

"What's going on here" I cut in, confused about the sudden outburst.

W:   " should I tell her or do you want to" she said eyes slowly turning a deep red

C:   " tell her what"

W:  " you have 3 seconds before I tell her"

C:  " dont even think about it wanda"

W:   "1"

C:  " you selfish bitch"

W:  "2"

C:   " wanda I swear to god I will kill you with my bare hands right here"

W:  "3" she said with a smirk. " cute little carol here, your best friend. Is in love with you"

" that's why you get so close when I tell you not to, and that's why you get so jealous constantly"

W: "I dont get jealous"  C:  " I don't get close"  the two girls said at the same time.

" carol, I get that you like me. But I LOVE wanda, so much it hurts and I cry everytime I think about her being gone.   Whether that is she went on a mission, if we broke up or she died. I dont care I cant live without this woman in my life. I need her like i need air to breathe or food to live. I hate to say this and I'm sorry this all hurts but i will always choose wands. Always" I said with a sad smile and a single tear down my red cheeks.

C:  " I'm sorry y/n, I think i- I should go" 

And with that carol left. I turned to face wanda with tears down her face and her eyes filled with lust and love and pure joy over what I had just said. She kissed me passionately and wiped the tears off my face and gently placed her hand in mine. We made our way to our shared room and cuddled all night just repeating I love yous and your adorable and more complements similar. Both just happy to be with eachother in our most loving times.

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