wanda- secret singer

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Wanda pov
I had just finished a mission, it was a month long mission and I just wanted to go home and see my girlfriend. it's been forever since I last saw her and I just want to be In her arms again and smell her coconut shampoo and look into her enchanting blue eyes. I'm not due back for another hour but the mission got cut short as we had finished.

" welcome back miss maximoff"
Friday announced as I walked through the door to the compound.

"Morning jarvis" I replied back tiredly.

I pressed 4 and made my way to y/ns and my floor. We shared a floor together but since being together I moved into her apartment and my one became the spare for anyone who stayed over like thor when he came down from asgard. The elevator dinged and I made my way to our door and heard music playing loudly. I quietly opened the door and watched in awe as my girlfriend danced around laying the table with candles and plates obviously planning a dinner.

Oh baby, I am a wreck when I'm without you,
I need you here to stay
I broke all my bones that day I found you,
Crying at the lake
Was it something I said , to make you feel like your a burden
Oh, if I could take it all back
I swear that I would pull you the tide

She sounded heavenly, like she was an angel. Y/n never really liked to sing infront of people even me. It made her too nervous. I stood there admiring her as she sang the lyrics with ease. I love this woman so much. I waited for the music to stop to talk.

"Hey baby, miss me?" I said with a smirk.

"BABE" y/n shrieked and ran towards me embracing me in a bone crushing hug.

"I love your singing babe" I said

I watched as a slight blush came over her cheeks and she looked down embarrassed. "T-thanks" she stuttered out. I let out a like chuckled, mesmoried at her adorableness and helped set up the table. We had lasagne for dinner as y/n knew it was my favourite and we watched out favourite movies before finally going to bed.

" I love you baby" I said, kissing the crown of her head

"I love you too" y/n said in a sleepy voice before falling asleep. I listened to her breathing and eventually drifted off to sleep.

I'm sorry this is so short and I'm sorry I havent updated in a while I've been busy and unmotivated. Hope your day it going good :)

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