Natasha-Fan club

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Y/n pov

I had finished work after 6 hours of my dickhead boss in my ear constantly annoying me, touching me and trying to talk to me. I was so close to walking out but I really need this job. I went home and got changed into my own clothes and decided to go to the hall down the street and go to the club I visit every friday afternoon. I walked in and greeted my friends and we shared what we brought with us, I bought my black widow shirt I bought just days before.

Natasha pov

I was in a good mood for once, I completed a mission successfully and didnt have a bad day, I'm in such a good mood so I decided to go for a walk. As I was walking through town I saw my name on a poster, 'black widow fan meeting' I decided to go get a coffee and maybe join and suprise a few people.

-time skip-

I now had my coffee and I walked my way back to the hall I found the poster outside of, I checked the times and it was about half way through the meeting when I decided to walk in. My signature smirk plastered on my face.

Y/n pov

I was talking to my friend when the hall suddenly went silent, I stopped talking and turned my to see the one and only natasha romanoff, standing in the door way smirk and all

"Wow guys I wasnt even invited?" She chuckled

Natasha pov

The second I walked through the door one girl stood out to me, the girl in the corner. She had bright blue eyes and half blonde half brown hair, about 5"7 tall and beautiful. I couldnt stop looking at her till she looked at me and we made eye contact, I stayed for about 20 minutes before everyone decided to leave, I said goodbye to everyone and signed a few things and the last person to leave was the girl I was staring at, I felt my cheeks go warm as she approached me.

"Hello I'm y/n" she spoke clearly with a slight rasp in her voice

God that rasp was hot, no shut up natasha that's not okay you just met her.

" I am natasha " I said with a smile

" I know who you are love" she giggled

"Aha yeah right.. so I was wondering if you wanted to go somewhere with me to go get food maybe?" I questioned nervously.

Y/n pov

Holy shit holy shit holy shit holy shit natasha romanoff just asked me on a date, okay breathe, breathe

"Yes of course" I managed to say before having a nervous breakdown internally.

No ones pov

Nat and y/n went on the date, it went well and they learned alot about eachother, they went back to the tower had a few drinks and talked before y/n went home, a few days later they went on another date and a few more after that.

Nat pov

I wanted to ask y/n to be my girlfriend, my entire childhood I was taught love was for children but then she came along and changed my entire world and my perspective on things and she makes me happy, like actually happy. I'm afraid it's too soon but I cant wait much longer. I texted y/n and told her to come over.

Y/n pov

I was just finishing at work and I got a text from nat saying she wanted to talk and to come over to the tower, my heart dropped. She doesnt want to talk anymore, I have been a bit clingy this last month. I made my way to the tower and slowly walked through the tower and towards nats room. I softly knocked on the door and saw nat sitting on her bed, she told me to come sit down and I did as she said.

" right I'm just gonna say it" she said quickly

I just nodded not trusting my voice, tears beginning to build up in my eyes.

"Will you be my girlfriend?"

I froze, so she didnt want to stop talking, she just wanted to ask me out. Tears started rolling down my cheeks and she hugged me.

" what's up moya lyubov " she questioned cautiously

" I thought you were gonna say you never wanted to see me again, but yes I will be your girlfriend with no doubt" I sobbed

" oh god no, I would be stupid to let you go, I'm so happy you said yes" she said

No ones pov

The 2 girls sat there comforting eachother for a while before eventually falling asleep, happy to be in each other's arms. Little did they know from that moment, they would eventually get married and have there own little ones running around, and be together till the end of the line.

Hey, please let me know what you think of this and any other ones I have written, I'm new to this and your feedback or requests would really help, have an amazing day :)
Also this is not proof read so I'm sorry if its wrong at some points.

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