wanda- coffee shop

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Wanda pov
I woke up again. No Matter how many times I try I cant avoid these nightmares. I roll over and check the time on my phone, I turn it on and close my eyes because of the brightness and let me eyes slowly adjust. Its 6:30am. Personal record. I slowly get up and ready for the day, I put on a black pair of ripped Jean's, an oversized shirt and some Van's. I cuff the Jean's and make my way out to the entrance of the compound. I grab my red keys from the multi coloured bowl ( only those who drive have keys and they are colour coordinated. Wanda:red  Tony:gold   Nat:black   Clint:brown  Bruce: green etc) and double checked I had everything. I made my way to my car and drove to the nearest coffee shop hoping it was open. It wasnt, so I went to another one and luckily that was open so I walked in and went to the counter.

?:  " hey what can I get you"

I looked up to see the most gorgeous girl I had ever seen. She had a beautiful smile across her face and her brown and blonde hair tied in a tight ponytail and in her uniform. I noticed her name tag said y/n. What a beautiful name. I realised I was staring and stopped.

W:  " can I get a hot mocha please"

Y:  " yes of course, and your name is ? "

W:  " wanda"

Y:  " beautiful name for a beautiful girl"

I felt my face heat up, I was clearly blushing which y/n had noticed. Her smile got brighter when she noticed my state which made me smile. I went to pay and took the bank card out of my clear phone case, my rings slightly hitting the counter and I payed. I noticed that y/n had a little badge, carefully placed and barely visible, it was a pansexual flag. I said thank you and took my coffee and made my way out of the shop and back to the compound.

-time skip-

It was about 2am again, my mind slowly drifted to a certain brown eyed girl. I finally drifted off to sleep with a slight smile on my face. I woke up, I didnt have any nightmares. That's the first time I havent had a nightmare since my parents died. It was 6am. I got up and took a shower, washed my hair and got dressed. I drove to the same coffee shop hoping to see y/n and she was there.

Y:  "hey what can I get-  oh wanda hello, how are you"

W:  " hey y/n, I'm good what about you?"

Y:  " yes I'm good, what would you like?"

W:  " can I get a mocha please"

Y: " yes of course love"

I felt butterflies In my stomach. I collected my coffee, said good bye and left. Excited for the next time I saw her.

-time skip-

I just woke up and checked the alarm next to me, its 11am. I got up and made my way to the coffee shop. I was hoping she was still working. I opened the door to see her standing behind the counter still, oh thank god.

W:  " hey y/n"

Y:  " hey wands, mocha?"

W:  " yes please aha, how are you"

Y:  " i am good what about you"

W:  "yeah, I'm good. Would you maybe like to go out sometime" I whisper and stutter out. When i looked up i saw y/n concentrating on making my coffee with her tounge slightly sticking over her bottom lip. She handed me the coffee so I thought I would try again.

W:  " hey y/n"

Y:  " yes wands?"

W:  " would you maybe want to go out sometime... with me"

Y:   " yes but only because your adorable when your nervous. I tell you what, if you go sit at that table for 10 minutes I will go out with you. My shift is over then and we can go anywhere you like"

No ones pov

Wanda and y/n went out for a few hours and eventually came back to the compound, y/n met the team and was really excited to find out wanda was an avenger. Wanda will never stop being grateful that my normal coffee shop doesnt open until 8am. They have been together for a while now and will continue to till they die.

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