wanda- sleepover pt2

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Wanda pov

I watched y/ns face turn from confused to cocky.

"Good morning doll, do you have to go already?" She whispered in her sleepy voice that made my stomach go crazy.

W: " I um, yes I do, I said I would go on a run with cap this morning"

"Awh look at you stuttering, well see you later then doll" she smirked and abruptly left the room. I didnt know what to do, I just got up and showered.


I have never been so exhausted in my entire life. Cap being the super soldier he is out ran me 12 times. When he said its gonna be easy I didnt think he meant running around the compound perimeter 8 times. Well he did more but anyways. I walked into the kitchen to get a glass of water when I heard 2 familiar voices. Y/n and pietro. See pietro knows I like y/n and he likes to tease me about it  and after last night   y/n will join in. I stumbled into the kitchen and grabbed a glass ignoring them both.

P:  " ah hello sister"

" hello sleepyhead"

P:  " what do you mean ?" He asked y/n

"Well I was supposed to hang out with wanda and when I walked in she was asleep and slightly snoring" y/n chuckled. So did pietro.

W:  " yeah so?! I never took you for a cuddler y/n, you were all over me !"

I stormed out, I was so tired and embarrassed I just shouted at the person I like and my own brother, ugh I will sort it tomo I thought to myself as I stomped to my room.

Y/n pov

Me and Pietro stood there in shock. Who knew she had such a temper.. it's kinda hot. I quickly followed her out the room ignoring Pietros remarks. I went to get her attention and I got the door slammed in my face.

"Wanda" i said softly. I didnt hear anything i just heard muffled sobs behind the door.i knocked again.
"Wanda let me in please " nothing.
"Wanda im coming in, you better be decent" I waited 5 seconds and slowly cracked open the small oak door with red carefully painted on it. As I walked in and my eyes adjusted to the dark what I saw shattered my heart I thought was unbreakable, I've never loved before but my heart belonged to this gorgeous strong woman. But this woman also had a hurt side, she was exhausted, angry, confused and insecure. But that just made me love her more.

"Gorgeous can I come and sit next to you" I heard a sniff and she looked up to me with water filled eyes and soft pink cheeks. Even in the dark they were noticeable and adorable. I sat down and she clung onto me smelling my hoodie. I noticed this and took it off, gently lifted her head and arms up and placed it on her. It was huge on her, my heart melted at the sight. I saw a slight smile appear on her face.

"Do you want to talk my love"

W: "Mhm mhm" she hummed with a sniff

"Okay well I'm here when you do, for now I'm going to cheer you up. I will be right back" I ran out the room and got all her favourite snacks.cheese doritos, sweet popcorn, haribo tangfastics, bournville chocolate and hot chocolate. I got the fluffiest blanket in the tower and her favourite soft toy and made my way to her room. I cautiously opened the door, I didn't want to startle her and make the situation worse.
"Here you go"

W: " you remembered all of this ?"

"Of course I did, I couldnt forget it even if I wanted to" I said with a slight smile. I looked up to see Wanda in front of me with a greatful look plastered across her beautiful features, she fell into my arms with a sigh and a small thank you got mumbled out. I forgot where I was until she retracted, god I loved this woman. If only she felt the same. We cuddled and watched films and I stayed the night again. And again and again. This became a  weekly occurance to the point I couldn't sleep without her warmth and scent by my side. I was sitting watching the dick van dyke show with wanda until she paused it and looked up to me.

"What's up doll, do you not like the show?" I said in a cocky voice

W: " you know I do shut up" she chuckled " can I talk to you.." she said with a crack in her voice, I could tell she was nervous she wouldn't stop fidgeting while we were watching the show.

"Sure whats up wands"

W: " I think i like you" there was a brief moment of silence before I lent in and kissed her soft lips. She pulled away catching her breath before saying

W: " I'm guessing that means you feel the same" with a chuckle. I just nodded and kissed her again, after a short while we slowly drifted off with eachother in our thoughts.

Hey I'm so sorry it has taken me so long  It's been hectic. I cant promise frequent updates but I haven't forgot abt you guys, comment more ideas I can't think of any :) goodbye x

P.s this isn't proof read

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 20, 2021 ⏰

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