wanda- confession

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They/them pronouns for wanda :)

Y/n pov
If I'm being honest I always had a crush on the brunette. They were beautiful. A creature of god. They had beautiful brown eyes that you could get lost in, reminding you of a warm winter afternoon infront of the fire. They gave the most comforting and welcoming hugs. The touch of her skin, so soft you could just melt under it. The body of a godess and face like on the cover of magazines. They was taller than me, not by much but enough it was attractive to me. Everytime they laughed it was music to my ears, blocking out everything when you heard it. The smile made me warm inside and my heart beat faster then I thought humanly possible. They always believed themself to be the ugliest person in the room. The one that didnt belong. When in reality they were the person to bring life to the room, there was not one thing I didnt love about them, and they were the most beautiful person in the room both physically and emotionally. I needed them to live like I did oxygen to breathe or food to avoid starving.I was falling hopelessly in love with this person and they didnt feel the same.

Oh so I thought. Just as i was thinking about them,they burst into the room with the biggest smile on their face. I couldn't get enough of that smile, it suited their face so well. I suddenly focused on what was going on when I saw a hand waving around infromt of my face.

W:  "Hey y/n" they said with a grin

"Hey wands, what's up"

W:   "I have a date"

I felt my heart sink to the bottom of my body. The world started spinning and I couldnt breathe. Not that any of this was physically visable.

" that's so cool, I hope you have fun"

W:   " I will and I need to get ready sooooo see you later y/n"

"Yeah bye" I mumbled. I really thought they liked me, I was wrong. I sat on the sofa not moving the whole day, too upset to a actually move or even eat.

-time skip-  (4 hours)

W:   "bye y/n" I mumbled a small bye and continued to stare off into space. Not caring who walked into and who left the room. Making me confused when I hear the door slam 45 minutes later. I looked up to see a flash of brown run past me, face in hands and running towards the hall way. I knew it was wanda immediately. I ran out of the room as fast as I could and made it to their door and knocked cautiously. No answer. I heard sniffing and small sobs making my heart break even more.

" I'm going to open the door, you have 3 seconds to get decent"

" come in" I heard in choked sobs. I walked into the dark room, seeing a small curled up body under the duvet. I made my way over carefully to not startle them.

"What happend love" I whispered softly

W:   " he never showed, so I walked out of the restaurant and saw him with another girl"

" oh hun, any guy is lucky to have you and is stupid if they do that. Your perfect and deserve someone who is going to give that to you, not someone who is going to throw it all away like an idiot. You deserve someone who is going to cuddle you on your worst days and be proud of you on your best. Someone who will make you cry tears of joy not anger or sadness. Someone who will treat you like the amazing person you are and always will be" I said while cuddling them tightly.  They sat up and layed on my chest and shoulder, face looking up slightly at me. They hummed and we sat in silence for a while until her crying became muffled sobs and until it stopped completely.

W:  " did you mean it" they asked

"Every word" I said with sudden confidence. Suddenly I felt a hand on my chin pulling my face towards theirs. Naturally I closed my eyes and felt a warmth on my lips. Our lips danced together perfectly and it felt like the missing puzzle piece of my life. They pulled away too quick for my liking so I pulled them back enjoying the pure euphoria I felt while being with them. By the end we were both fighting for breath enjoying eachothers presence. We were both half asleep so I mumbled something thinking wanda was fully asleep.

"I love you wanda, I always have"

W:  " I love you too y/n I'm sorry for not telling you sooner"

We both cuddled up more, enjoying the warmth radiating off eachothers bodys and we eventually fell asleep. Both extremely happy.

Can you tell this was inspired haha. Have a good day guys :)

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