Nat- why do you hate me

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Y/n pov

I work in S.H.I.E.LD as a level 5 agent, I am working to be a apart of the avengers initiative but I need to get up another level for fury to consider me, he knows I am capable because of my history with the red room and HYDRA but I still have to up myself a level because of laws. I'm starting my beginners level 6 class, my teacher is miss romanoff, yep the one and only black widow. I just hope she likes me.

-time skip-

I am now walking into class dressed in uniform and 5 minutes late. I was in a meeting and it was going to run over, unfortunately natasha was not told.

"Your late" she stated in a cold tone in front of the entire class

"I'm sorry I had a meeting, I will stay late if that helps"

She just scoffed and walked away. During training I felt like someone was watching, it was natasha. I looked up and looked into her eyes, to which she looked down and blushed slightly, no one else would have noticed it but growing up in the red room I was trained to notice small differences.

Natasha pov

I am going through y/ns files to find out what I can about her, more specifically her age. She is the more gorgeous girl I have ever seen but right now she is my student, I havent felt this way about a girl before, am I bisexual? Definitely not... right?

In the process of trying to find out y/ns age I found out her birthday and the fact she is a lesbian, but no age? I will confront her after class. She was trained in the red room and sold off to
HYDRA, I should have known, we have more in common than I thought.

Y/n pov

We were finishing class when my instructor called me over, to say I was nervous was a understatement. Not only is she is big bad black widow that everyone is afraid of, but she is gorgeous. The way her red hair bounces up and down slight when she walks fast, her beautiful green eyes that remind you of summer trees, her signature smirk gives me butterflies.

"So y/n, how old are you?"

Why does she want to know my age, that doesnt play a part in training?

"That's for me to know and you to find out" I winked and started to walk out, I saw natasha with a shocked face and mouth slightly hung open, I walked back towards her.

"Are you okay tasha? You seem a little out of it" I whispered to her and slightly brushed my lips against her ear.

After a few seconds natasha regained her composure and we left the room in silence, she shouted to me a reminder to not be later to her class again. Does she like me or hate me, this is so confusing.

-time skip-

It's now the next day and I have training again, I turned up late again to see what miss would do, she just looked at me and scolded me infront of the entire class, I have never wanted to cry so hard. I started to have a panic attack,  natasha shouting and my class mates laughing soon became background noise and I put my hands to my ears, all I could hear was the thumping in my head and chest, I couldnt breathe it felt like my entire body was numb, like I was paralyzed, then everything went black.

Natasha pov

Oh no, oh god no. Please be okay please be okay I'm sorry I'm sorry sorry, your such an idiot why did you do this you dumbass. I repeated in my head over and over again, I shouted and embarrassed her so much I did this, I told Clint to come down to take over the class and picked y/n up bridal style and carried her to the medical wing. I grabbed a cup of water and put it on her bed side table, I decided to stay to make sure she it okay. I havent felt this way before, do I love her? No love is for children, love is for children. I have no place in the world.

-time skip-

Y/n pov

I wake up in a room I dont recognise, I look around for anyone and see my teacher sitting next to me lost in thought, but touching my forearm?

"*cough* hi miss, I'm bored tell me something about you" I smiled out

" good your awake, dont ever do that again, class again tomorrow " she spat and walked out the room without turning back.

I started to sob, why didnt she like me, I was only 1 minute late today and I'm top of her class, i tried getting closer to her but that didnt work. I just want her to like me as friends, even though deep down I want more.

Natasha pov

Why did I do that, wait.. did she want to know about me. After I did this to her, she was still being nice. I'm such a bitch, just be nice to her tomorrow it will be okay. I went home to sleep, but I couldn't all i could think about was y/n, i feel terrible...

-time skip-

Y/n pov

I turned up to class a little early today to make sure I was on her good side, class went okay until the end, "y/n, stay back at the end" those words echoing around my brain trying to remeber anything I could have done wrong.

Natasha pov

"I'm sorry for yesterday, I do like you *cough* but I really like you and your a girl Iand I was taught my entire childhood love us for children, i've never felt this way for a girl but you, my breath hitches in my throat when you walk past, your little smile when you beat one of the other class members gives me butterflies, the way you look in your training kit all of it. I'm not used to it so I thought if I fought it and pushed you away it would help, but then you passed out and I felt terrible, the first thing you did when you woke up was ask a question about me, your so selfless its adorable i-"

I was cut off with a pair of soft lips on mine, I could of stayed there for ever. She was a perfect kisser, rough when needed to be and soft when needed. I melted into her touch, enjoying the warmth her body radiated. Then she pulled away, I whined without realising it at loss of contact

"Sorry darling you were rambling, also did the one and only natasha romanoff whine" y/n said with a smirk.

I felt my cheeks heat up, I was hoping she didnt hear but she did. I looked down and began to walk out of the room when I felt her grab my wrist and pull me back. She kissed me again.

"I know we shouldnt but I'm only here to I can become an avenger, I'm leaving soon because im too advanced but would you like to be my girlfriend love"  y/n asked her accent slipping through with the pet name

"Of course moya lyubov" I smiled out, I kissed her again and we walked out of the training hall hand in hand. We went back to my flat in the compound  and watched a few movies, ordered take out and cuddled before we both fell asleep, with my arms wrapped around y/ns waist protectively, she was mine now and nothing was ever going to hurt her.

Sorry it was so longgg,  anyway let me know what you thought of it, have a good day :)

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