Wanna Know a fun fact?

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Art by: https://twitter.com/kokickk?s=09

If you search up HimiKaeMaki on Google you get my content...weird right? Funny too.

This is how you know i'm the CEO. We should celebrate with my rare pair having only my content on google. I say a random fact about me!

I own a Shuichi shirt from hot topic.

Paid 22 dollars for a shirt that's oversized and Idc I have SHUICHIIIIIIIII

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Paid 22 dollars for a shirt that's oversized and Idc I have SHUICHIIIIIIIII. I got it like last month too.

Look at this half-face reveal of a slow-ass with stupid ideas writer that has an overly obsession for her rare pair. Let's dis her.

She looks like an oversized turkey.

Why are her arms like that, is she almost a skeleton?

Why does she look like the type of person who has her favorite characters diss herself in her own story?

Her looks can make your father cry.

Even Mary Sues don't want her.

Hahaha, what is this idiot doing dissing herself? She has science hw to do.

(Spoilers for Invincible?)

Her soul is my love to Omni Man...NON-EXISTENT. (You can watch Invincible if you don't mind lots and lots and lots and lots and lots and lots and lots and lots and lots and lots and lots and lots and lots and lots and lots and lot and lots and lots of blood.)

That's all I got. Best diss gets to request a oneshot. No cap. But if there's only 1 diss in like 3 days than I shall accept the lone soldiers bravery of roasting an internet stranger like me and give them 2 or 3 requests depending if im busy.

What am I doing? I need to finish too many things right now.

Your chaotic-evil ENTP named Rowenlife is signing off.

🔦Make sure you carry a flashlight.🔦

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