Don't Confuse the "V" in V3 With Other Games

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For those who don't know. and because I see this a lot and I get tired of it.

Do not put the "V" in any other Dr game. Why? (Spoiler alert) The V doesn't stand for version, it stands for 5. If you recall they say drv3 is the 53rd season and dr1 and sdr2 were the first and second seasons.

Not only that, the other games didn't even have "version" in the name. Just dr1 and sdr2, nothing with version. They specifically made it like that.

So don't put

Dr3 (because this is an anime)

Don't confuse people saying the version because V has nothing to do with dr1 or sdr2. They put it in drv3 for a reason, 53.

Dr1 does not equal 51 it equals 1
Sdr2 does not equal 52 it equals 2
Drv3 does not equal 3 it equals 53

We understand? Great!

If you didn't, well, I guess you can ask questions.

🔦Make sure you carry a flashlight.🔦

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