Writing Fanfics is Hard...

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Writing fanfics... let's talk about it.

Hi, i'm Rowen, leader of the Flashlight Crusaders and you're watching Disney Channel.

Ba bum ba bum...

So writing fanfics, our non-profit writing, it's hard.

Because, 1, you have to come up with something people would have never seen before or at least try.

For example...Popular Danganronpa tropes are

HPA/Nobody dies
And if you ship this particular ship...
Phantom Thief Au

Those are the most popular tropes. But they most likely have a twist in the story to make it unique or they're the same as the others.

Some tropes I never see?

Pirate Au
Idol Au
Vampire Au
Criminal Au
Phantom Thief with a different Goddamn ship Au
Superpower Au

A bunch of Aus I have never seen. But here's the thing, the writer would need to know what to do with the story. The popular ones are easier to do because they already have a basis for the plot.

But more complicated things like the rare Aus are harder to do. You may have an idea, but not know where to go with it.

For example, Cupid Au.

What going to be what but what's the plot? What's going to be the main problem? How are they going to fix the said problem? Does cupid accidentally shoot themselves and fall in love or does the person they shoot fall in love with them or maybe the person goes "What's this" and shoots someone randomly or shoots cupid as they are trying to get their whatever weapon back from untrained hands? What would happen if cupid falls in love? Would councils of love be after cupid? Does the council of love even exist? What extras need to be added to this Au? Are there multiple cupids or just 1?

Many factors go into making this kind of Au.

Tbh if cupid shot themselves and fell in love with someone I would read that ff. Maybe I should write a oneshot on that.

But anyway, it gets hard trying to find a good Au and to try and make it work. If people keep using the popular tropes some people would lose interest in the said fanfic. Well, that may just be me. Tho I don't lose interest in HPA Aus because I like High School Aus.

Then you would have to come up with a title and description for REAL people to be interested in your story.

Titles are very hard to create as well. Especially if you title each one of your chapters for your story. I don't name my chapters because that would be pretty hard to do.

But title names? Hard.

But if I think of a kick-ass title and don't have a story, you bet your ass I would force myself to write a fanfic so I can use that title.

Descriptions? Hard.

You need to hook in readers without giving away too much. If you know me, I suck at creating descriptions, and at times I can't even think of a description.

Writing is a hard part as well.

You start writing and you think "Yeah 1000 words for this chapter" and then when you finish writing you're at 576 in 3 weeks. Or the pain of trying to make a chapter stupid long when you can only write around 1000 words each chapter (Aye calling myself out).

Plus you have life to think about. Your outside life besides writing. Believe me, I'm busy even though it doesn't seem like it. Sometimes writing gets hard for me to do.

Getting back on track, you want to either write in 1st or 3rd person, I prefer stories in 3rd person.

Then you need your writing style or how you portray your writing.

Some people write like this

*walks into a room*

A: Hi

B: Yo.

Incorrect quote style

Or like this...

A walks into a room and sees B sitting down on the couch watching Tv. A walks and closes the door and waves to B, "Hi." B turns their head to look at them and brought their hand up to wave back at A, "Yo." A said back.

Paragraph style.

I prefer you write in paragraph style. And if anything readers want paragraph style.

Then you have to have different ways to say "said." Sometimes you need said but sometimes you need different words besides said.

Then you would need describing and action words for your writing. That is the hardest part.

And I gotta be honest...Whenever I read a good Au it's horribly written, OOC (Out of Character), spelling errors, spells characters names wrong, bad grammar, rushed, the plot is ➡⬆⬇↗↙⬅↕↔↖↪↩⤴⤵↔↖⬅, etc. Whenever it's good it's the same au as 500 other ffs. Plus here's a lesson Bad Grammar = Less interested Readers.

Am I dissing myself? Yes, maybe, idk.

But anyway tl:dr, fanfics are hard to write because you need to think of a plot, names, and have to write like a motherf*cker. Plus practice writing for the better.

🔦Make sure you carry a flashlight.🔦

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