5: Drama familiar

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drama familiar; family drama


"Oh, hello, darling. Back to huff and puff and blow the house down," Kaleb said to Klaus who was standing outside of the door since he couldn't come in. "You know, it's funny how often a person's sharp tongue can end up cutting their own throat," Klaus said. "You might wanna try a bit of lavender under your pillow. Does wonders for pillocks with anger issues," Kaleb said.

The way he argued with Klaus... it sounded so familiar. Some would even say they sounded like siblings.

"I promised not to kill Davina. I said nothing of this insolent sod," Klaus said. Kaleb smiled while I got up and pulled Klaus away from the cabin. "Klaus, c'mon. A minute ago you had the opportunity to kill your father, and you didn't. You're not gonna kill this kid either," I said. "Fine," he said defeatedly. "Thank you," I said as he handed me the stake.

"Go get the car. Let's take her to a hospital," I did as he requested. Halfway to the car, I heard Klaus yell out. "Princess, I've changed my mind. I am gonna kill him after all," I heard him say. I laughed and attempted to walk back but something attacked me out of nowhere. All it took was the element of surprise to suppress me which was why I did not fight back.


"Who the hell are you awake? I've seen the pain that blade causes and it's no joke, old man. What's your play," I said childishly. There's something in me that just clicks when I'm in danger. Now, I'm gonna let this guy think he's got me until I get what I want from him.

"I have fought through more pain than anyone, living or dead--"

"Have you ever been through childbirth... menstrual cramps?" When he was silent I continued. "No? Okay. Then shut the hell up, respectfully," I smiled. He glared at me then pulled me harder throughout the woods. "Hush mouth, that's right. You know better," I murmured.

'Once I threaten to dismember you in front of him, Klaus will hesitate. And in that moment of weakness, I shall end him," Mikael spat. "That's..... Morbid. This is crazy, the two of you going round and round trying to kill each other. You're obsessing over the death of someone whose fatal flaw is he was fathered by another guy. In all truth, that's your fault. I mean if you weren't doing your job in bed--"

"Hush! You are the enabler of the weak. No wonder he seeks your company," Mikael said. "I always thought it was because I'm not as submissive to powerful men as I should be. Or that I can do this thing--"

"SHHHH. I heard music. And where there's music... there's food," Mikael said before pulling me towards the music.

"Well, well, well. What have we here," Mikael said once we came into view of the music and people. "It's a bonfire party. Typically happens at the beginning or the end of a school year or on occasion. Teenagers mostly attend these wild things."

"I know what it is. Hillbilly Halloween. How perfect," Mikael said. He compelled the entire party into saying lines to Klaus for him. So dramatic. We ended up moving on.

By the time we reached a building, it was morning. I think we're in an abandoned building. "Did you always hate Klaus," I asked him as he pushed me to the ground. "I didn't. When Niklaus was born, I was overjoyed. I thought, this one, this has the eyes of a warrior. He will be worthy. But my hope was short-lived. And when I found out that he wasn't really my son, my relief was glorious, but that passed with the knowledge that he was begat of a beast," Mikael spat out harshly.

"His mother's infidelity was not his fault. And could you please speak a bit softer," I said wiping my face. "Everything that followed was because of Niklaus's obsession with the wolves. He ventures out to watch them turn under the full moon and he takes my youngest son, Henrik. He was but a child and he was torn apart," Mikale said.

"An accident."

"An accident?! He murdered my wife! His own mother, who sought to cleanse him of his beast-like nature. He betrayed me. He turned my entire family against me. And yet, you defend him," he yelled still spitting. "Sound like you'd need some couch time. I know this therapist, her name is Camille. I don't really like her but it's not personal,"  I suggested.

"Actually, my dear, what I need is some food," Mikael said as he cornered me. "Can't argue with that. But use this side, not that side. It's kinda sensitive," I chirped. He sped up to me and drank my blood.

Honestly, this is kinda awkward.

Next thing I know he had me when the blade on my neck and the stake at my heart as Klaus walked in. I felt weak right now because he took a lot of my blood. But I should heal in no time. I eventually fell asleep due to the loss of blood.

I soon jolted up with an extreme amount of energy. Before me, I saw Klaus about to stab Miakel but Mikael threw the blade at me. I just woke up, he could've at least given me a moment to collect myself.

Klaus sped towards me and caught the blade, protecting my pretty face. Mikael caught up and stabbed Klaus with the white oak stake. I began chanting the spell I heard Davina and Kol-- or was it Kaleb-- chanting.

"Why aren't you burning? If you were dead, you would burn. Burn," Mikael fussed. I hushed my chanting as Mikael followed the calling towards Kol and Davina. I rushed to Klaus's body. I was about to pull the stake out when I heard Davina screaming.

What do you think you're doing," Mikael asked. "Shit," I said and I turned around with the stake in my hand. "You have a warrior's heart. Perhaps I'll keep it as a souvenir," Mikael said as he gradually stepped towards me.

I stood up ready to... do something. When Marcel and Carlos popped in out of nowhere.  Marcel fought off Mikael while Carlos chanted something. I have some words to say to his sorry ass.

"This night has been a long parade of fools. I'll enjoy killing every last one of you," Mikael said then Hayley came in with the chains and wrapped them around his neck. "Yeah, I wouldn't bet on it."

"Pass," I said. Hayle passed me the other side of the chain. As Mikael tried to regain his balance Hayley and I took the chain and wrapped it around his neck and hands. "It's over Mikael. You're outnumbered. Are you going to beg for your miserable life," Klaus said.

"Heh, heh, heh. You think having people makes you strong. It proves how weak you are. Come find me when you don't have fools, women, and children fighting your battles," Mikael said and I pulled tighter on the chain. "That's sexist," I said before letting him go.

As everyone went their separate ways Klaus insisted... demanded that he'd check up on me. He checked my neck and I checked his wound. I went to touch it and he put his hand over mine. "You pulled the stake out in the nick of time. A moment longer and I would have been done for," Klaus said. "I would have been a single mom. Besides, I'm the one who told you not to kill the bastard in the first place," I whispered so that no one would hear the single mom part.

"Well, he hurt you. For that alone, I would kill him," Klaus said. "You know, in a thousand years, I think it's the first time I've seen him run," Klaus changed the subject quickly. "You don't have to hide the fact that you care for me. The coast is clear, there's no one watching," I semi-joked. "They're always listening," he said.

"We checked the perimeter and he's gone," Marcel said, interrupting the moment that would've died any time now. "I appreciate your assistance," Klaus said to Marcel, Hayley, and Carlos. Speaking of Carlos...

"You ignorant, sorry ass, non-loyal ass, son of a brother," I cursed as I kicked him in his knee caps. "Owwwww. What the hell? Here I come to save you and this is how to repay me," he whined. I blinked at him. "Are you serious," I asked. "Complete-- Owwww," I threw a rock at his head. "You're so abusive," he whined.

"Where have you been," I asked. "Places."

"That's not an answer--"

"Droga(dammit), Cameron. Nem tudo é sobre você. Eu tenho meus próprios problemas. Você sabe, você sofre da Síndrome do Personagem Principal. (Not everything is about you. I have problems of my own. You know, you suffer from Main Character Syndrome.)" Carlos fussed. "Then, tell me," I insisted.

"Cameron, we must go," Klaus pulled me away from my conversation. I wanted to stay back, but I could tell it was urgent by the way Klaus was dragging me along.


1515 words.

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