17: Oficialmente despejado

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oficialmenta despejado; offically dumped

The song at the top basically explains the mood and meaning of their conversation...


"I'm sorry. I needed my plan to work and this was the only way. I needed her to trust me so that I could save our daughter. So instead of giving her Hope, I offered myself. It's all a ruse," Klaus's words boomed in my head as I gasped awake.

The lying bastard. It's been months. I've only seen my daughter once a month by the graces of Elijah. Klaus leaves me food every night but he doesn't come on full moons. When I am human. I think he is scared to face me so he only comes when I cannot speak. When I drag his ass through the mud, I wanted him to see my face. So I refrained from attacking him while I was a wolf.

Another damned thing is that my fur is no longer white. I haven't used magic in months and I live in a swamp. My fur is a dark ashy blonde with white highlights. A disgusting combination if you ask me. Luckily I'll be able to see my daughter tonight. Or, so I thought.

"Davina? What the hell am I doing here? Why am I trapped," I asked, covering my naked body. "I used magi to draw you here and to keep you a captive audience," Davina said as she threw a blanket at me. "Davina, I need to see my daughter," I said standing up with the blanket around me. "I'm sorry. But there's something I need you to do for me first," Davina said but she showed no empathy.

Davina left me there for the night. I tried to leave the barrier but yet again I have barely enough magic to do a locator spell. So, being the dumbass I am, I hit the barrier over and over. Like that was going to work. "Davina, I like you in all but if you don't let me out of here right now, I'll kill you," I threatened.

"You could try. Or we could have a polite conversation," Davina said as she tossed me some clothes and slid a plate of chicken strips in front of me. "You magically kidnapped me on the one night that I could see my daughter. But thanks for the chicken trips, I guess," I said, popping one into my mouth.  "I drew you here to help you," Davina said.

"Elijah asked you months ago to break the curse and you said no," I said harshly with a full mouth. "The Regent of witches can't be seen doing favors for the Mikaelsons. But maybe we can help each other," Davina passed me one ketchup packet. Only one. "Look, I have access to the witch ancestors. I can channel the power of the one who created the spell used to curse you. You can be free, Cameron."

"Under your terms, I'm guessing. Spill."

"There's a witch in the Ninth Ward who hates that I'm Regent. She tried to kill me. If I retaliate, I'm starting a civil war, and I don't want to do that."

After two seconds of consideration, I spoke. "Fine. just tell me who you want dead," I told her. She asked for my hair to do some type of spell so I cut off a little piece. Just a little. But enough to notice that it has darkened way more than before.

"You're completely cloaked. No magic will be able to track you. The witch's name is Kara Nguyen. She runs the Cafe Chim Lac in the Lower Ninth Ward. She'll be there before dawn. As long as the candle burns, your curse won't be active," Davina explained. She came up to my barrier and removed it.

"You have two hours. Get it done," I said and I left.

So... I killed the witch. And all the witches that tried to kill me for killing her. The next morning I was still me so I went to the compound. I was still covered in blood. Probably not a good look for seeing my baby again after a month.

"Cameron, What happened," Carlos asked me. He was with me in the Bayou while we were cursed. He was cursed too. Before I could answer I heard him behind me. I quickly turned around and rushed towards him. "Do you have any idea what you have taken from me," I went to punch him but he grabbed my arm.

I kicked him and he groaned, stumbling back. Rage shot threw me as he just stared at me without saying anything. "Oh, so you have nothing to say. Did I render you speechless, Niklaus? You selfish lying ass bastard--"

Klaus charged at me and had his arm against my neck pushing further and further. "I'd say your punishment fits the crime. After you tried to take my child away from--"

I head-budged him causing him to release me. "There's a very short list of people who've tried to take Hope away from me. And you're the only one left breathing," Klaus said with a bloody nose. "Are you that delusional, Klaus? You crushed all of us. Every wolf that I fought for, everyone that stood up for our daughter, you took all of them away from their families," I said.

"Yes, yes, that precious pack. That family you choose over us, and in doing so, you chose over Hope," he yelled. "Or did I just choose you over you? Is that what you were planning on telling her when she got older and asked for me? That I abandoned her!"

I took a piece of wood from a broken chair and threw it at him, not caring  if I hit him or not. I jumped up the stairs and railing to reach Hope. Klaus got there before me. I pushed him and punched him but he just dodged them. "My parents left me! Yours turned their backs on you. Look at us now, Klaus," I pushed him and punched him but he stopped dodging them.

"She deserves something better than what we had. That's all I have ever wanted for her, something better! Fight back! Fight back!" I kept punching him in frustration but stopped when I saw him looking at something behind me. I turned around and Hope was walking.

"She's walking. When did she start walking," I said as I walked towards her with my hands over my mouth. I picked her up in tears. "I missed it. I missed everything," I walked into her room right past Klaus ignoring everybody.

While holding Hope I couldn't help but have flashes of me killing all of those witches burn into my mind.  I checked in on the pack and Hayley before I took a shower in hopes of erasing the stained memories in my mind.

Hayey informed me that some of the wolves had been hunted and we lost some. She and Jackson would be moving across the street and they requested I do the same. But this is Hope's home and it used to be where I felt most at home. I wasn't going to leave it because of Klaus's idiocy.

I'd be moving back into my original room so I had to move my stuff back there. I tried my best to avoid Klaus while doing so. But of course, he just so happened to catch me there on my last trip. Here goes nothing...


"Klaus, if you're trying to give one of those sorry-ass-excused apologies then I don't want it. I already got one when you did it in the first place." I mumbled the last part. "I just came in here to grab my stuff."

"Are you moving in with Hayley and Jackson?"

Did he just assume I'd third wheel with them? "No. I'm going back to my old room. I don't find it appropriate or necessary for me to continue staying here." I walked up to him and took my necklace off. Once I took it off, the enchantment of the necklace was removed and it was back as a flower stem. I took the ring off of it and handed it to him. "Uh, I thought you might need this back. I definitely won't be needing it."

"You kept it all this time."

"Yeah. Well, it seemed like an expensive ring and I didn't want it to go to waste. Perhaps you could use it for Camille. I heard you two spent considerate time together while I was imprisoned in wolf nature," I said trying not to sound hurt or jealous. "I would never-- I'm sorry that--"

"No. Please don't apologize. I can't find it in me to hate you and not forgive you but we can't continue on like this. The simple way to say it is that, I'm dumping you but we can still be platonic friends who share a child together," I said friendly, punching his shoulder. "Uh, okay then. Bye."

When I left the room I heard a loud crash making me flinch.


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